Aug 30, 2005 19:06
I went to go see The Machine, a Pink Floyd cover band, yesterday. Freaking amazing. So accurate. They even did the demonic voice in One Of These Days. Their setlist was dominantly Dark Side of The Moon and The Wall, though. Only one song from Meddle (One Of These Days) and the only other album they did songs from was Wish You Were Here. Don't get me wrong, it's a great album, I just kind of wanted to hear some earlier stuff like something from More, Atom Heart Mother, Obscured By Clouds, etc. 2 drunken girls got up on stage and started dancing during Any Colour You Like...Annoyed me to no end. I was trying to see past them dancing to see the guitarist during the guitar solo, but they kept on blocking him. So many people were annoyed at them, you could tell. But they kept on dancing. What was going through their heads? "Hey, I have an idea! How about if we try to make this already great experience even better by blocking part of what makes it so great in the first place?" >=|
Not much to update, really. I'm sick, hopefully I'll be better before school starts. I have a case of nostalgia for time that I spent hanging out with my friends after school. *laughs* god, I'm lonely.