this article didn't piss me off enough already, this did:
"Yet another reason why I would do poorly in the army...I wouldn't not be able to let something like that slide and Id end up snipering my own men."
"furthermore, and forgive me for making a semi baseless characterjudgement, you don't seem like the sort of cloth-eared, thoughtless, stupid, reckless, dull, pointlessly-patriotic, xenophobic, murderous cunts that make for a model soldier, particularly in the United States.
correct me, of course, if i'm wrong"
Both my parents, several family members and several friends of mine have served or are serving in the military, and they are not anything like that.
Most. Soldiers. Aren't. Do not judge the many by the actions of the few idiots out there.
Edit to clarify:
I've seen numbers that range from one in six to one in three women being assaulted/raped in their lives, so really, I can't say I'm surprised. I don't trust any of the male statistics, because the majority of those are not reported due to the idiotic belief that men can't be raped, or that it makes them look weak.
What pissed me off about the article itself was the fact that the military is sweeping this shit under the rug. Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that a lot of colleges and businesses do it too. It's to prevent any negative light shown on them.
Thing is, though, it's wrong. It needs to stop. More people need to speak out, to let it be known that they won't stand for it.