Draconians in Black. Hell yeah.

Aug 09, 2009 00:39

Me: Tri, Kitten and Kang should meet :3
Riv: ...XD
Riv: That would be amazing
Me: Wyrmling~
Squeak: .. Kitten and Kang and Temeraire should have a dragon party
Tri: XD
Rak: Cause she'd be local to Kuwa if she's already around and if she's a Healer.
Me: looool
Me: But Kang isn't a dragon :<
Squeak: /kind of wants to draw them frolicking now
Me: ffffff do it Squeak
Squeak: ff
Squeak: I have to do some individual pictures of Kitten first
Squeak: they're for icons right?
Tri: Kit has no objections to being picked up by people, btw.
Kia: ...Kang frolicking?
Squeak: Kang frolicking.
Squeak: ... in a suit.
Kia: Do want.
Me: ...
Tri: However big you would like to make them. Yes, I will probably use them for icons. And just hoard them in general.
Me: -dead-
Ray: ...lol
Tri: Sakura's not a Healer unless she emailed the mods to ask.
Squeak: :Db
Tri: And Kuwabara let his bite go to the just-about-to-go-into-a-coma point, because he didn't realize the big crabs had faster effects.
Tri: So she may have been there.
Kia: You know if Kang shows up anywhere in a suit, J and Spin are just going to o_o
Tri: Let me check.
Riv: Kang in a suit would just....
Riv: just....
Squeak: XDDD
Riv: Daniel brain-break
Me: ...you know what I want drawn. Kang playing with baby draconians.
Riv: D'awww
Squeak: Did you see the picture of it, Riv?
Tri: Kang can play with a baby dragon, if that helps?
Me: He'd crawl on all fours and pretend to be a bear!
Tri: *offers you a 2 foot tall dragonet*
Squeak: ... fff Kang
Me: They loved it :3
Me: Kitten~
Riv: Squeaks: what picture?
Tri: Kitten is gonna have to threadhop at the party. Brief threads. With other people welcome and encouraged. Since she doesn't do dialog.
Me: Kang in a suit.
Riv: Where?
Me: that pic was /awesome/
Riv: Sounds...familiar somehow
Tri: Hang on, Riv.
Me: Well, Kang is at the party for Kitten to go and pester!
Kia: Tag Daniel
Tri: She needs to meet Aladar and Kang and...
Squeak: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ormsqueak/handpuppets/ks.png this one.
Tri: Oh, Kang.
Kia: That's basically /thread, because he's finding Morris and running out the door now |D
Tri: So disgruntled.
Me: Think of how complicated the back would be
Me: Wings and tail
Riv: Ahhh, those magical words, Kia
Tri: I know.
Riv: They make me so happy
Tri: And how would he get in and out.
Me: Very pissy draconian thar
Squeak: XDDD
Tri: Because, see, the back would have to have a zipper or buttons.
Riv: Don't worry, Kia
Riv: If we thread this out
Tri: Otherwise it wouldn't work.
Riv: J can yell at Daniel in person
Squeak: There are buttons. :D
Tri: oh god.
Tri: That's so awesome.
Kia: He's not angry at Daniel. |D
Tri: Button-back suit jacket.
Kia: He's worried as hell about Derek.
Riv: Oh there is the tag, I see it now
Riv: Yay for people NOT being angry at Daniel. 'Cause it wouldn't help his disposition much at this point. XD
Me: And there's wing membrane that goes down a few inches with each one, too
Kia: And it's just coming out in general ARGH format.
Riv: ....YES
Riv: Yes I have seen this picture
Tri: mmhmm
Riv: Kang in a suit = awesomeness
Riv: He totally looks like a dragon secret agent
Riv: of awesome
Me: lol and with the way his legs are, the /pants/
Tri: Kang = EBA?
Riv: ....*DIES*
Riv: kang dancing omw
Tri: Kang = DIB (Draconian in black)
Me: -ded-
Riv: We established in the danceoff thread that Kang can't dance. XD
Riv: DIB is a good one
Tri: ahaha
Me: No, he really can't :D
Riv: Since he IS technically an alien of Earth...
Me: Draconians don't really dance :|
Riv: And there are other alien MIB agents

funny shit, draconians are the best, daisychain

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