ack. I'm not sure if I like this nudging thing. But I guess it lets me know how long it's been since I last updated and how horribly I've been neglecting lj. ^^;
So anyhow, the move went pretty well, and the drive was more fun than I expected. I haven't had much time to do anything online since though, mainly because my commute now totals 2 and a half hours a day. >_< ...this is vs the 5-10 minutes from before. It's totally worth it though, because the new company and neighborhood both rock. The whole public transportation thing though, still trying to get used to it. :/
Hobby-wise I haven't been watching anime at all, and even prior to moving, gaming had slowed to a trickle. So books it is again! ...especially since I'm doing so much commuting now. I've finally gotten around to reading all the Robin Hobb books, courtesy of
litl_iruka, or at least all the complete ones. I hear she has a new series out, but I probably wait until all of it is out first. I grabbed the rest of Monster, but I'm still a good 10 or so eps away from the end. Other than that I haven't really been following anything else.
I'd kept myself pretty free of spoilers although I vaguely remember seeing some entries online about how Fitz gets tortured a lot in the 3rd trilogy. I also vaguely remember someone mentioning that they thought Fitz was annoying?
Anyhow, I really enjoyed the Farseer trilogy - it's definitely a page-turner and the characters are grab you right from the start. I was at first a bit puzzled as to why