Title: The reunion Pairing: Jaemin (main) Warnings: language, drugs, not much really Rating: PG-13 to R Summary: The two boys were childhood friends, but a reunion was not always that sweet
hehehehhehe I'm glad you like this chapter! and tahitian noni juice is horrible believe me xD (but I will drink a gallon if it's from Min's mouth) Thanks for reading as always xD
YES! Finally haha. That was really sweet. I love the relationship between the two of them. Even though Changmin is younger, it seems to me like he's the one that makes Jaejoong feel safe, not the other way around. Jaejoong is like the hyung that needs looking after, like when they were young. I hope Changmin is happy when he learns the truth. I hope he remembers Jaejoong on his own too.
When will you make Jae reveal everything???? -shakeschu- HOMG I'm so thrilled to see the scene~ And like I've said, I'll keep a straight face while reading smuts :)
Ask Jae!!! He's such a moron loooll.... XD omo3 reading smut with a straight face is so scary xD MOOOOM YOUR DAUGHTER READS PORN!!! *Report* I'm glad you like this chap, thanks for reading! XD
Comments 42
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That was really sweet. I love the relationship between the two of them. Even though Changmin is younger, it seems to me like he's the one that makes Jaejoong feel safe, not the other way around.
Jaejoong is like the hyung that needs looking after, like when they were young.
I hope Changmin is happy when he learns the truth. I hope he remembers Jaejoong on his own too.
When will you make Jae reveal everything???? -shakeschu-
HOMG I'm so thrilled to see the scene~ And like I've said, I'll keep a straight face while reading smuts :)
please update soon -bows to my knees- FIGHTING!
I'm glad you like this chap, thanks for reading! XD
And mommy won't ever know, nevah -Changmin face: on- HEHEHE
hope nothing will happen to them..
n jae can reveal tha past memories..
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Thank you so much!
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