Title: Shimmering Blue
Pairing: Jaemin (main)
Genre: AU, supernatural/fantasy/non-human, angst, romance
Warning: underage-went-wrong, WTFs, minor torture/violence, possible annoying!min
Rating: PG-NC-17/R
Until some springs ago he still enjoyed being enveloped by the current or leaping from one rock to another without asking things
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And I'd like to have a Min like that to bring home, please, I want to pinch that boy's cheek and squeeze cuteness out of him!!!!!!!!!!
Omo, what is Jae doing *giggles* Can it be considered as Min's first kiss *giggles* Jae hasn't get over Yunho, right *sighs* and my imagination tells me that they did a lot of inappropriate things *giggles*
update moarrrrrrrrrr~~~~
p/s: me still wait for nine-tailed fox to come and shake things up *giggles*
omooooo how can you think about more inapropriate things, they're only 11! (<-- is a hypocryte) tsk tsk tsk.... how can you be so pedo like this? bad bad girlll *spank*
oh, Xiah will shakes things up dun worry... xD
Thank you for reading!
p/s: thank u for writing~~~
I should drag a victim with me.
welcome to the pedo jaemin land, yaaayyy!!! xDD
No, I thank YOU xD
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