trapped by fate?

Aug 03, 2006 12:52

As I was considering the conflicts in the middle east. I was trying to place myself in the position of each of the leaders, President of Lebanon, PM of Israel and so on for Jordan, Syria, Hezbollah... It seemed like the bigger the player the fewer the options. On the outside of the situation it's easy to say what needs to happen, but on the inside it seems each player is trapped into playing their part.... and if played to the end, results in destruction and blood.

We need a Gandhi or Jesus to sort out all this, but then again a muslim assassin killed Ghandi and the Romans killed Jesus with the Jews cheering them on. Since all parties want revenge and bloodshed, it will only stop when there is only one left standing. And the one left, will have no one to celebrate his victory with. "To the losers death, to the victor desolation and bitterness" let that be the battle cry of all the combatants.

But I digress. Are we all trapped into our actions, do we break our fate by being the first to choose an action that will destroy us and trust our friends and enemies will do the same? Would that break us loose from our fates?

You first.

P.S. I hope this helps out Son_of_dust, who claimed LJ was unintresting this AM.
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