Jul 01, 2006 12:46
So like every time I update it is for something bad. Every good thing without effort it goes away...And so my update is what it is. I lost my job, got hit with a shoe, and broke up with lyndsay.
Since the last cycle she has made no effort to make this relationship work. Therefore I can only say I tracked her down, after she did not answer her phone which is rude and unfortunately usual for the past two weeks. Common f#%king courtesy...tried to discuss/explain/yell (in that order and reverse) at her and basically she doesn't give two shits about me or mine dosen't appreciate me, my love, does not respect me, and maybe I don't trust or respect her. Sometimes, trust and respect are damaged by being broken up with three times. And they need effort on the part of the damaging one to repair. I am very upset. Which is stupid cuz I forced the point.
In a relationship: Make it a Priority, Trust your partner, Give and expect Respect, Put forth EFFORT to make it work, and always, always love...cuz you can never go wrong with letting yourself feel it. You can Just go wrong when it is not returned.
And Here is a toast to Change and to Love and to Ends and New beginnings.
To earlier in a day having a great talk with your "love". And while hurts exist you hope you both can resolve them. Then the straw that broke the camels back finally happens and you awake with eyes anew to find she is a user and you are used for that is what ultimately happened. I attracted a user who REFUSED to give me what I needed in return. Oh yeah! I AM F#%KING TIRED OF BEING USED!!!...Damn why can't people treat others well?
And Finally since this is the end of this section of my life, a year and 8 months wasted, fucking wasted.
Here is to Lyndsay may she find her place may she continue to have my support and love.
Never wasted.......Always end on a good note.