Feb 04, 2010 21:57
Sonic 4? Yay. For now.
Watchmen 2 to be? Fuck you DC.
Super Street Fighter 4? Hooyah, especially with Final Fight characters in it.
Pokemon HG/SS? Hells yeah. Pokemon Gen V if it appears? Double hells yeah.
So three years maybe homeported and doing ship duty, OR maybe ship duty/shore duty in an entirely different country. We'll see. It's apparently two years shore duty in America, and three years potentially being away from it (via outta country, ship, or both) as a general rotation. Thankfully I'll be E-4 by then and probably ready to leave Hellhole, Georgia as well (although it IS ironic I'm finally getting out more in time to be forced to leave everyone). I'd be missing you guys during those long nights at sea, though. Not being funny there. I would. Even, if you know, occasional internet and writing letters.
Daniel wants me to go to Japan, as did my LPO in suggestions. People are also saying San Diego. Personally, maybe I ought hit England and see if my accent blends in, aye, guv'nah?
But that's a year away and I have a month to wait before even getting any details of it, or if I can even have a say in choosing what happens to me.
I seriously need a new phone after Stark just kinda looked at mine in awe. Maybe an iphone or whatever, even if he said that'd be upgrading times a bajillion from my old tracphone, so.