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Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 04:28:43 UTC

What happened?!


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 05:52:55 UTC
Ah, it's simply awful...! It would take a miracle simply to...

Aiya, I say too much! The Original One frowns on meddling in the course of things... perhaps I've overstepped my bounds.


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 06:12:11 UTC

Meddling in the course of things? She has no right to be upset with anything you do after what she pulled. But I'm sure you know all about that as well.

Tell me.


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 06:19:51 UTC
No right...? Goodness! What bold words! We are not manmade species, and thus, she is god unto us all. Above us. Her actions are only right or wrong if she decides they are, Blacky; you would do well to remember that.

My actions, on the other hand, are not meant to be in my hands. I was intended merely to observe, to remember. What do you suppose will happen if I tell you, you rush off into mortal peril in hope of saving him, and you inevitably get yourself killed? I imagine the Original One will be terribly cross about that perfectly avoidable loss of life, don't you think?


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 06:41:34 UTC

I would die for my trainer without a second thought. I'm sorry that you've lived so long you've forgotten what it's like to care for the short lives of others, if you ever did at all.

I'm not going to have my life dictated by someone who let Team Rocket exist and torture her children, but interfered when I tried to bring that man to justice. She is no god of mine.


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 07:03:12 UTC
You may well find that attempting to disown her will just make her focus her attentions on you all the more. For someone who so dearly loves her children's ability to choose, the Original One is very unaccustomed to being unloved.

But... ah, you dark types are so harsh, aren't you? You turn down this path out of spite and blame, but even so, you've chosen that path yourself. Perhaps the Original One may not approve, but the being of knowledge favors those who seek their own truth.

No more than three yes or no questions, Blacky. I give you this much, but only that; you may have won my favor, but I shan't have you endangering yourself for the sake of something that cannot be changed. I would say it's because I care for you, but it seems I've forgotten how to.


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 07:09:15 UTC

Are you trying to provoke me...

...Thank you. [Hmm. Questions, questions. Saying that she might rush off to save him implies that he's not dead at least, so...]

Will he come back?


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 07:14:13 UTC
Yes... though not unscarred.


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 07:19:33 UTC

[WHAT. Oh man how the heck can she ask about scars as a yes or no question... But if he does come back she can ask him about it. Right? Maybe.]

...Will he have changed? Mentally, that is. A few physical scars or a new haircut doesn't quite cut it.


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 07:23:51 UTC


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 07:29:07 UTC
Will he still finally love me?


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 07:30:54 UTC


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 07:35:04 UTC

...I see.

That's three. Thank you.


[Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 07:42:35 UTC
I need no thanks, dear creature... no, dear friend.

Wherever this darkened road of yours points... remember that you made a choice few people would dare make. Remember that you seek your own truth, not the easy and convenient truth handed down to you by others. So long as you don't lose sight of that, Blacky, you won't walk that path alone.


Re: [Private] umbreon_blacky January 6 2011, 07:48:42 UTC
[But she sure feels alone. Brb wallowing in misery for the next few days.]


Re: [Private] betterthanawiki January 6 2011, 07:50:55 UTC
[See what happens when you accept the easy and convenient truth handed down to you by others?]


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