Action post

Nov 03, 2010 22:33

[Blacky's been pretty happy for the past few days. Even with the little spat with Leon and Lyra's crazy (but not unfounded) accusations about Silver, she just can't bring herself to let anything bother her. Her mind has been on other things. ROMANTIC things even. Because she is a girly girl.

But because we are not allowed to have nice things, Blacky received a phone call. It was very short, but told her more than she ever wanted to know.

Golduck was dead.

The Pokemon she'd been closest to growing up, her beloved big brother, who was the only one who didn't hold her back because of her frailty... The one who had been taken away by Team Rocket and been subjected to horrific experiments for years. Being a lab rat for so long had long-term effects on one's health, and in Golduck's case, it was only a matter of time before his heart just gave out.

She'd finally been reunited with him only to have him taken away again, this time without any hope of getting him back.

...It didn't feel real.

She should have been there.

Blacky's usual response to unhappiness is locking herself in her dorm for a few days, but this weekend she will be wandering around in a dream-like state. Not crying, but not smiling either. Just trying to go about her usual business and distract herself.


narrative... sorta, dramadrama, office log but not really, death

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