I can't believe how many years I've wanted for this moment. Now it's so close I can nearly taste it. It may be too little too late. It won't make any difference in what's already been done, but... He has to know how it feels.
I can barely type. My whole body is trembling. Why am I so anxious about it? It's going to go spectacularly.
Only one small step along the path of vengeance.
I could have sworn I saw some unsavoury types lurking around the schoolyard over the weekend. I might just be imagining things... Or perhaps we have some potential new students or staff members. I wonder! [SPOILER: She is making this shit up.]
Even more exciting than that is the upcoming firefly festival. Last year's was fun. Although... I am ashamed to say that the fish Snake so diligently won for me did not make it through the year. I can't keep anything alive sob sob It seems I am not the type to keep an aquarium after all.
[ACTION TIME: OH NO. Someone has broken into Fuel and Silver's room from the outside! And completely trashed the place!
What is going on? Could it be linked to
this?! There was also a ransom note printed off a computer (because cut-and-pasting magazine letters is tedious):
To Whom It May Concern,
If you ever wish to see your son alive again, return every Pokemon you and your cronies ever stole. Otherwise your son will be returned to you one piece at a time.