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Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 2 2010, 18:15:45 UTC

Oh. Oh god. He was touching her. He was solid and real and not a hallucination after all. (EXCEPT HE WAS.) He clutched his hand tightly for fear that he might disappear if he let go.

Behind her, Tobias jeered. "What he means is that you've changed. He doesn't know you anymore. You're not the sister he loved. I bet he's just as disappointed in you as I am."

"I-I..." She could feel her body trembling. "Is that true?"


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 2 2010, 18:51:36 UTC
"Well... yeah, but you always seemed to enjoy that about yourself; being unpredictable and all. You're losing confidence in that all of a sudden?"

Her hand was trebling... was she PMSing or something? Did Mophead break her heart?

Leon pulled her over to embrace his arms around her. Call it impulse given he used to rush to her whenever he found her in a delicate state.

"What's wrong with you?"


Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 2 2010, 19:13:18 UTC

Her drug-addled mind interpreted it as him accusing her of liking what she'd become. No, no, I hate it! I hate this! But she couldn't answer him. Not with his hands closed around her throat like this.

She let out an anguished wail, helplessly beating her hands against his chest. Stop it, stop it!


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 3 2010, 00:41:37 UTC
He took the silence as an arrogant refusal to answer him as much as her physical actions told him something else. Fine.

"Be that way if you don't want to tell me," Leon told her with a heavy sigh. "One of these days, your dignity preservation is going to put you in a deeper hole than anyone can pull you out of and you will die one lonely-assed person. I almost did."


Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 3 2010, 01:16:08 UTC

"He's right. You're going to die cold and alone. Any day now. You won't even get a funeral. Not for something so worthless. Maybe he'll stick you on the trash heap."

Blacky tried to ignore the continous verbal assault from her trainer, tried to focus on more important things like trying to breathe. She couldn't. Not as long as her hallucinations told her she couldn't. She staggered to her knees, staring pleadingly up at Leon, tears blurring her vision. It was like she was underwater. He was holding her there.She was choking. Drowning. If only she'd become a Vaporeon after all.


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 3 2010, 01:29:26 UTC
"Remind me to never give you anything you could potentially slash your wrists with, you look about to hack your whole hand off if you have access to any."

Leon tried looking down at her with a straight face.

Even with the tears.

No matter how much of them were completely shrouding her eyes.

Before he met her those years ago (well, they worked together for a while longer but it was only in recent years they really got to know each other), he never knew the concept of sympathy or understood other people's suffering. He was a cold bastard that never looked anyone straight in the face for more three seconds since he was a child.

But this was... getting to him.

Blacky may have notice the corner of his mouth trembling, or maybe she was still focused on drowning.


Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 3 2010, 01:44:08 UTC

She couldn't see him all that clearly, so she didn't notice quite yet. Her trainer happily translated Leon's words for her: "He wants you to kill yourself. Don't you want that, too?"

She weakly shook her head, but she wasn't so sure. She was just so tired. Her lungs ached; the edges of her vision darkened.Finally her head drooped and she let the water flood into her airways...


But she wasn't drowning. Even though she could feel chlorine stinging the back of her throat and nasal cavity, she was breathing. Breathing underwater. What did this mean? Was he helping her to realize it the whole time? Helping her to swim? Maybe she was dead.

She tread the water uneasily, watching her hands in wonder. Paws, rather. Blue. Blue with small fins on her wrists.

She laughed.


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 3 2010, 01:53:57 UTC
Wait- what is this?

Leon kneeled down to meet her level and waved a hand in front of her face.

"Are you dying? You better not be going anywhere!"


Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 3 2010, 02:01:48 UTC

She couldn't hear him over the sound of her own laughter. At first it was just nervous chuckling, turning into a sound of relief, growing louder and louder until it was just insane cackling. Loud noise that doubled back over on itself, looping endlessly, echoing in her mind. She laughed until she was once again out of breath.

"Look!" She waved her paws in front of Leon's face, beaming estatically. To Leon, they would have looked just like her regular hands. "Now?! Do you love me now?!"


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 3 2010, 02:21:43 UTC
Leon had an immediate answer for that. He really did, but once her laughter reached insane levels, he concluded right then that Blacky had completely lost her mind.

He held her hands warmly, but the situation was making him a bit sour. Had this been two years ago when he had his romantic obsession over her he would have jumped at the chance to say "Yes, I love you," but not only did that never work out then, she's just doing this out of insanity now and once she's back to her old self (lots of things happened to her and she ALWAYS comes back), it's back to Mophead.

Vaguely, he was starting to remember what it felt like to love her... like that. So maybe in his head right now, he was taking the concept of Do you love me a little too personally.

Poor, messed-up Leon did not know what to do about poor, messed-up Blacky. He just held her hands and looked down at them.


Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 3 2010, 02:32:38 UTC

..He wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't he saying anything? She knew. She didn't even need Tobias to reaffirm what she was thinking. Her expression turned into one of resentment.

"I get it. I get it," she growled, tearing her hands away from him. "Nothing I do is ever good enough. For any of you. I shouldn't have been born. I GET IT."

She scratched at his face and turned to run.


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 3 2010, 02:47:39 UTC
Leon felt that one coming. He flinched as one of the nails sliced across his face, but before he could react, she was taking off!

"Blacky," he called out to her as he was getting up. "You think anything I ever did was good enough for anybody? Why do you think an entire galaxy wants me dead?"


Re: Open you say? umbreon_blacky July 3 2010, 02:50:55 UTC
By now Leon's words were just distorted gibberish to her. She was gone.

Once the shrooms wore off she would feel SO bad about cutting his face like that.


Re: Open you say? goaheadnblunder July 3 2010, 02:59:38 UTC
Leon couldn't do anymore at this point. Maybe he should have said he loved her at least to keep her insanity more managable? Too late now.

And so, he headed back to his dorm to clean his burning, bleeding face because when Blacky snaps out of this, she's definitely going to bitch him out for not taking care of his wounds, nevermind the fact that she caused this one. Golly!


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