Nov 01, 2004 01:34
Today was enjoyable.
First today I got my popcorn switched to light popcorn. Hurray for me. Then I bought lunch from LOEB. Darn the grumpy lady. Then I handed my resume in at Sugar Mountain. I hope I get in there. I need a job. NEEEEEEEEEEED A JOOOOOOOOOOOB! Then I went to Kernels and got this fun SpongeBob SquarePants popcorn bucket for trick-or-treating. Now that I'm done with it, it is a wonderful holder for my ever expanding collection of pens, markers and other fun desk type things, including my knitting.
So, timewarp to 5:30, when I discover my costume is horrible because I forgot the shirt likes to choke people, like me. So Meghan told me to wear my PJs... So I did. We were all ready to go on the bus to the Prime Minister's place and the Govenor General's place to trick-or-treat when, suprise, NO BUS! UOttawa administration fails again! Well, CASPAR more like... anyway, there was NO WAY IN HELL I was taking the half hour walk in the very very cold wind to 4 Sussex, so me, Meghan, and Alex (One of Meghan's very cool friends) joined up with 3 other girls and went trick or treating on Sandy Hill. I got a WHOLE SHOPPING BAG full of candy! I was suprised! There are lots of old rich people down there, and I was happy. I saw Wilfred Laurier and William Lyon MacKenzie King's house, which was cool.
So we got back at 7:30ish, and decided to take part in the campus halloween stuff. I didn't do the haunted house (I hate those things) but I did do all the stuff at Thompson. :D At first I wasn't too psyched, but Dan (the building councillor) cheered me up again by making me and Meghan make him a mummy. They also had the best dance mix EVER with S Club 7 and stuff. Then I got my fortune told by the "fortune teller". I thought it would be all hocus pocus, but it was tarrot cards. Now, I've never had my cards read before, but I've read cards for other people, and seen how spooked people can get over it. For me, it scared the crap out of me, because it was so accurate for my past and present. It mentioned about how my past wasn't the greatest, and how I learned from it. Then the present was about how I've been feeling alone and thinking of just "giving up", and it said that I wasn't alone and that I should try to reach out and keep trying. The future one was nice, because it told me that, no matter how high I aim, I will reach it. It almost reassured my ideas of still performing... almost. But even then, the idea of still wanting to be a teacher seems like aiming high at the moment. But that was hopeful. I didn't like how accurate it was though... It was as if anyone could then tell what has happened and could happen to me. I didn't like the one about relationships. It said I have to wait for the perfect friend (or more) to come my way. I hate waiting. I've been waiting forever to find the type of friends (and more) that I really want, and I'm getting impatient! Grrr.
Then me and Meghan went to Dunn's Deli, which was good. Their gravy rules.
Anyways, I'm super tired and have a map assignment due tomorrow. Bye!