
Mar 20, 2008 01:32


Want to try tell me that all the LJ drama doesn't affect you now?

I... don't even know what to do any more. I can't just accept this. This isn't right. His responses just... Aren't. Right. But you people won't move! And I don't want to leave you all! And even all the protests, all the whining in the world, and SUP won't even believe it exists! And you people all say it doesn't affect you, but it WILL!

But I can't leave because it would mean leaving so many of you behind.

Come on guys... Just look at InsaneJournal. Come on. Just... consider it. If not for your own personal benefit, then for the fact that you'll be making a point.

http://asylums.insanejournal.com/originalprompts/profile <-- Made a mirror of originalprompts there.

And, as if I needed more incentive, the entire QaF fandom seems to have moved over there. Which is a HUGE feat of awesomeness. If an entire fandom can move, so can you.

lj, wtf

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