(no subject)

Dec 08, 2006 19:38

Holy freaking god I'M FINISHED MY ESSAYS.

I'm going to hand this bitch in in a bit and then forget I have an exam tomorrow by watching Boys Love. Finally. *wallows in the boyporn that is to be*

I have to get Future Shop to replace my iPod. PC ATE MY KAMIO. WHORE, DON'T BE JEALOUS OF RYUU CAUSE HE'S SEXIER THAN YOU. D: Why yes, I do speak to my electronics.

So, despite the awesome mood I SHOULD be in, I'm not, because some people have been grating on my nerves. Now, had I written this hours ago, I would have been emo and depressed. However, I'm past the sadness and now I'm just pissed.
I just want to remind everyone that I am me, I like me, and if you don't like me, you can shut your mouth and be kind enough to not tell me. Just bugger off in your own direction because I spent a very long time not liking me, but I like the person I've become. Yes, I'm excitable. Yes, I like things very few others might light. I'm easily irritated by stupid people and have little patience for hypocrites. And while I'd love to tell myself to just treat others as they treat me, I feel I'm far too kind for that level of asshattery. But I might have to dip down to that level if some people keep trying to make me feel like less than I am.

Holy crap my wrists hurt.

ryuu the macbook, kamio the ipod, 斎藤工, rant

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