Jun 24, 2004 01:36
I knew a guy once back in Alberta when I was much younger. I was so in awe of him and the star I always thought he would become. Well needless to say he grew up and I didn't really see him again. I went off to my arts high school and got very in to all of my performing. Then I heard he stopped by a party for one of our shows with a leopard print Cowboy Hat and a shirt that said "Who the Fuck is Julien Constantin?". And I thought damn, what a loser.
And yet, there's something to be said about that question. Constantly re-discovering yourself as life moves ever forward. Of course sadly Julien was not being philosophical, he was just piggy-backing a good idea to look cool. But he didn't.. he looked like a tool.
I've been wondering a great many things this past week (which seems like about a year and a half) up at the cottage. I think I'm really feeling that old 'College will change you' sentiment and in one big sack of hammers serving. Not quite sure where I belong figuratively or physically - living in the middle of nowhere but tonight I'm crashing in my own apartment which is decidedly bare.
I just want some fucking stability - good luck with that -
And now I end this entry with a question - please feel free to answer..
Where is love defined?
Put that on a fucking shirt...