Oct 29, 2006 22:17
ooh yay! I am excited for hallowe'en, even though all the hallowe'eny things I could do have already been done. I:
-went to my school dance in costume
-went to a hallowe'en party (in costume, very fun.)
-carved my scary panther pumpkin!
wahoo! It's all very fun. Unfortunately on the actual DAY I'm going to be salsa dancing with my sexy salsa latin non-latin lover Tycoda, so I cannot hand out candies to the little chillens, which is something I do so enjoy. *sigh* ah well. At least my costume is cool. And now that that has been sewn, I need to start on my (hopeful) reception outfit! If it totally looks poo I can't wear it to the reception but I really hope it comes out nicely. If it does it will be so pretty.
Haaaappy Hallowe'en! *spooky voice*
PS want to see what I hope my reception outfit will look like? Check the picture of Marilyn above (on my layout) If only.