3 Icons
1 Banner/Header
One of my RL friends was so nice and listened to my (admittedly much-needed) ranting last night, so in return (of sorts) I finished this banner I'd been working on based on a short story she wrote. It makes me very happy. I haven't shown it to her, but... it's the thought that counts.
I'm also working on a little tutorial for how I made this. I don't use Photoshop, so a lot of times any tutorials I find have things that I just can't do! It's just using really, really simple techniques so it wouldn't be helpful if you're anything more than a beginner. But yes. That'll be posted when I get it done!
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Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble *Comment if you take the banner or any of the icons.
*Credit me if you use these, please.
At the moment, I'm also working on a Dollhouse: Adelle/Topher moodtheme, and a few Fight Club graphics.