Jun 17, 2007 02:30
Wow. Thursday night/Friday morning/afternoon was one hell of a night/morning/afternoon!
I had three exams this past week, including Calculus, Japanese, and Computer Organization and Design. So I didn't have anytime until Thursday night to start working on assignments! I started on Thursday night, but had issues with Maple and so I didn't actually get to work until Thursday afternoon. I then worked from 7PM Thursday to 7 AM Friday, then 11 AM Friday to 5 PM Friday. And I've suddenly decided to work on assignments earlier!
I need to study more, so I made myself flash cards for Japanese! I'm also starting to program on a little project on the side to get some C practice and get ready for my Fall job.
Outside of schoolish stuff, I've been practicing guitar and find finger picking easy now. I've also learned to tune rather accurately by ear given a tuned lower E string. It's totally awesome! I've been playing a bit of games... I got playstation and N64 emulators and the novelty of old games is just starting to set in. I've been learning parkour, it's fun being able to run around and hop over stuff and climb up walls and such. I don't really have the upper body strength to do something things, but I'm working on it.
I met this girl in Japanese. Yes, I'm talking about females again, it seems to be a requirement for a post. (I guess it's simply that although I have things to post, I only have real motivation when it has to do with females, or being angry with friends.) BUT ANYWAYS! It's been a while since I've actually felt really interested in someone. Usually it's like a thought, "Hey, she's cuteish, and has quality traits. I guess I should consider her." But this girl made my heart pump! >.> Which is awesome, because I was starting to feel like I lacked emotions anymore. >.< Well, except for annoyance for friends ignoring me, or being stupid. She's cute and she's Korean, and shy and all biologyish. It's okay that she's biologyish, it's not her fault! XP (I'm kidding!) But yeah, that's all I'll say about that for fear of losing my audience!
Umm, lacking sleeps as per normal. Actually eating healthy... I'm running out of money - fast! Ahh! I have to ask the parents to borrow money... :( Went grocery shopping and have lots of fattening good foods that I'll probably be sick of at the end of the week!
Last schoolish stuff: Two more assignments and a half this weekend, then it's all studying! I'll be done early this week since everything is due or finished by wednesday! That means ppparrrttyyy! Or moreso hopefully watching some anime with that cute Korean girl! ^_^ Ahhh, life is awesome not having 3 exams this week!
Erik Louie