
Dec 02, 2009 22:13

i took a bunch of myquils a little bit ago and i'm all loopy on em and stuff so lets sit down and talk some hockey eh?

lets get it out there, the leafs started off SO BAD. like i could barely even watch it bad, but ya know lately they've looked pretty okay. goaltending is an issue but up front, and even now defensively they look sound.
they've played .500 hockey november til now, they won 3 of their last 4, and they really did play their best game of probably the last 2 years the other night against the habs. how great was it by the way to watch those habs get smashed like that in their building with the stanley cup and the grey cup in the house? hahaha! losers!

but yeah, there's been a turn around of sorts guys. phil kessel is the guy that started it too man. i kept my mouth shut on this one for a long time, cos it was such a STUPID TRADE if it didn't work. and toronto is keen on stupid trades (ya remember that time we were like dear ny islanders? have a draft pick that will be roberto luongo and we want wendel back okay yes please?) but yeah, this phil guy or whatever can skate, he can pass, he can score many goals and hes a joy to watch. that end to ender last week was a thing of beauty! i am still gonna make jokes about winning the draft lottery and not having a first round pick but that's me.

oooh and my boyfriend tomas kaberle replied to his last ballsy season with this wonderful points monster season and my hockey poll says thanks! but any one who knows me knows how i love kaberle anyway. i call him the fancypants. always. cos of his fancypants passing and skating. yeah, so anyway... ian white remains underrated and komisarek is pretty okay when he plays simple. schenn started out atrocious but he's like 14 so he will mature and it looks like he's working on it.

the hag-man (as i call him) has been pretty rad too man. he's got a great quick wrist shot that he's been USING THIS SEASON FINALLY! so thats nice. but okay, grabovski GET OFF MY TEAM YOU CLOD!! seriously? where is your sense man?! this kids got all the skill in the universe but what a retard man. has no idea what the hell to do out there. ugh.

but goaltending. yes, we get to it. goaltending. vesa... what the hell? you injurybag! either you and sami salo are made from the same balls glass (PUN INTENDED HAHA) or you're a baby or you're a faker. buck up man! i've seen you play like the wind dude, you've stood on your pretty pretty head and played the crap out of that goal. you're a small guy, so DON'T HANG BACK IN THERE you fool! go forth and sneer at em. ain't nothing like the stare down of a half-crazed finn.
and jonas, you're my swedish goaltending boyfriend, but a bit dodgy on the heart? didn't really see that one coming. they assured me they mended your broken heart before and now it breaks again? you're too sensitive, but i will forgive you because you are the monster and i have such hopes in you. a big goaltender who moves well scross the net and has style and poise and confidence! yay! just waiting for you to ripen into my #1 and for your heart to stay okay. like seriously what is this goalie curse?!

as soon as these guys get well... i think we might have a chance maybe to play some hockey. its not gonna be a pretty year but its not so bad at this point that we have to toss it away right?

wow. nyquil makes me some kind of optimist or something. haha!

also vancouver did a thing where they beat new jersey 5-2 and i liked it. now if they can beat the fuckballs outta philly tomorrow i will be a happy steph. i friggen hate those guys. bunch a goons man, bunch of goons.
but aside from that bobby-lou looked good in goal. vancouver's been playing good hockey these days too.
i find myself splitting alot of time now between these teams, except for when they meet and a thing always happens that is terrible but i cheer for toronto anyway. but yeah, roberto looked good, better than brodeur and that's cool. vying for olympics tonight.

its funny to think how deep the canadian talent pool is vs the usa. the usa is like we got these guys for sure, and maybe a few more. canada is like uh... anyone can go. like, regular uncle jim can do and do well probably. how do you choose for canada?

anyway, that's probably enough babbling i'm gonna go watch that show fringe that pacey from dawson's creek is on. valtron told me to watch it its like the x-files and its good and i like it. and maybe i have a crush on pacey, but i did when he was on the dawson and i'm not ashamed of that.

one last thing, it occurs to me that valtron tells me to watch some things on tv from time to time and they always end up being things i like very much like fringe, true blood and FRIGGEN AWESOME DEXTER (holy hell how good is this season with john lithgow in it wowowow) so thanks val! babbblebabbbleNYQUILSSSSSSSSS
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