I just received notice from the city of Evanston, Illinois, that their police officer applicant test will be on May 7. I am also goint to go to an optional tutorial session on April 30, even though that means I will miss the University-wide graduation ceremony. I'm excited to finally know the date that I'm taking the test. I'm not too worried about it since I will be taking a mock test at the tutorial session, plus there is a mandatory study session right before the actual exam. Meanwhile, here in Ann Arbor, I'm still attending Citizen's Police Academy training with the AAPD. Here's a photo from the meeting last Tuesday:
This is me aiming an H&K MP5 9mm submachine gun, the weapon of choice for the AAPD Special Tactics Unit. This gun is outfitted with a holographic sight that is made by a company based in Ann Arbor. You look into the little screen on top and see a red dot over whatever you are aiming at, which in my case was the clock on the back wall. I love it when they let us see this kind of stuff!