I haven't fallen off of the face of the planet!

May 12, 2004 16:21

Hey, everyone. I want to say that I'm sorry for not posting for about 2 months, but stuff came up.

Basically what happened was as follows. At the time, I was taking a course called Organic Chemistry II, famed the "hardest class you'll ever take" as a pre-medical student. The way the class was set up, 4 non-cumulative exams were set up, one of which you could drop. By the middle of March, we had already had 2 of the exams, and I only needed to get a 60 or above on the 3rd exam to get an A in the course. That was true (or at least some other relatively low number) for many of the other people in the class. Well, those really stupid people decided to run their mouths about how they were not going to come to class if they got a BLANK on the 3rd test. I never intended to stop coming to class, even if I got a 60 or above on the test. Well, this fact eventually got to the professor, and he decided to anally-rape, metaphorically, everyone in the class by making the 3rd test super, super hard. Actually, the test was not that hard, but is was too long, thus people, such as myself, could not finish enough questions to get the "decent" grade that we were aiming for. (never end sentences with a preposition!) The highest grade ended up being an 88, with the class average a 30, and I got like a 43. That sucked so much...so, during the entire month of April, I was busy studying for the 4th exam, on which I got a 99...yay! Therefore, my absence is explained.

Anyhow, right now, I'm sitting in my lab, waiting for it to be 6pm. At 6 I have a meeting for Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Medical Honors Society. I can't do any more experiments right now, because I have gone as far as I can, but do not have sufficient time to get to another stopping point ><...grr. I've pretty much been sitting here, trying to keep busy since like 3.

More about my club. Alpha Epsilon Delta (no it's not a fraternity) is a really interesting club, in my opinion. It gives me the opportunity to get together with other pre-meds and socialize as well as form those career connections which are really, really important later in life. Anyhow, I had planned to run for president since last year (2002-2003), and I had been being groomed by the current president for the position. Anyhow, the day before the election the current president call me up, at like 9:30 at night!, and tells me that she and the current vice-president are running against me as co-presidents. I was like, bitch! What the f***! She suggested that I talk to the person who was becoming vice-president and ask her if I could be co-vice-president. I was like, no! I don't want sloppy-seconds! I was just outraged...and felt all betrayed :(. Anyhow, I spent the whole night preparing for the election: writing a speech and making fliers. (didn't have time for much else) The next day rolls around and she asks me if I could limit my speech to 2 minutes...and I was like no! Damn it! You should've told me last night to limit it to 2 minutes! I'm sorry, but my speech is 10 minutes long. Anyhow, let it suffice it to say that I had wonderful ideas, but I was no competition for the team-up of the current president and current vice-president. Now, the new vice-president (a wonderful friend) offered to share the vice-presidency with me, and I accepted. Although I had to like sit in the room after everyone had left for like an hour before I was in a state to leave. Anyhow, I will run for president of that club next year...and I will definitely prove myself this year. Now, I really don't know how to feel, however, should I feel happy, sad, betrayed, or depressed? You know what...I don't really care. If they want to be president, then screw them. I have to also ask myself, will I be able to effectively work with them? (split infinitives are correct now to boldly go) You know what...it may have hurt then, but I can put it behind me because, in the end, all of these things are quite trivial...if I held a grudge, it would just make me angrier and give me higher blood pressure. So, like water off a duck's back.

Anyhow, it's about 5 now, and I should move my car...in preparation for the meeting. I think I have rambled on enough for one day.

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