May 12, 2005 23:59
Sooooo.... another semester down.... and a whole year, to boot. And of course, like everyone else, I've got to have a journal entry about it!
Overall, it's been pretty good. Parts were great, parts were pretty shitty, and parts went okay that could have gone much better, but overall, it wasn't too bad. I had my first taste of living all by my lonesome... and I think I did fairly well. I did, however, learn one very important thing last semester: when you love food, and there's no one else around to watch you eat it... you're going to get in trouble. Thus me gaining 25 pounds. But... I've gotten better at watching myself, and my hardcore want of not being a lardass anymore is slowly gaining over my intense love of eating. Well, here's to my summer of working and working out-- and bringing healthy snacks to the daycare, so I don't get caught up in munching cookies with the kiddies = ) I'm really looking forward to having a predictable schedule, though... wake up, go to work, go to the gym, go to sleep: repeat. And once my birthday hits, toss some nights out drinking in there. Also tossing in practicing, of course. I have high hopes for getting into a good routine, and making some good headway on the health and weigh issue... I have goals for the fall ;) ;) ;) (Yes, those are winks) ; )
Ahhhhh, and speaking of the fall!! I am always so excited to be living in a new place, and I am MONDO excited to be living with Jamie! It's going to be a crazy house of nutcase Polack, and it's going to be a blast. Really though, I'm looking forward to living with someone again-- I think one thing that I missed this year was all the stupid little things every day that make you laugh. When people do dumb shit, or say stupid or just funny things... you miss out on that stuff when the only other living thing in your apartment is your fish (And yes! George is still alive! Barely... but he's hanging in there. I need to put him in fresh water real bad.) The weird thing about next year though... it'll be the first time ever (since college, of course) that I haven't lived within literally 60 seconds walking distance from Christie and Ari. I'll be down off of Cushing, downtown and over and back a bit, and they'll be all the assway up Temple... it's not like it would be any more than a 5 minute drive, but still... it will be very strange not being able to literally instantly run over there. I do love those girls.. who'd have thought that 3 years later we'd still be practically living with each other? So many fun times... can't wait. Only more to come! = )
Alrighty... I think I've rambled quite enough. It's already 11:40, and I'm hoping to get my ass out of bed by 8:00 so I can continue to clean... this apartment is COVERED in dust, and it's disgusting. It's so weird, too... everything is ultra-echoy, because it's so empty... everything is off the walls and the shelves, all my (multiple) throw rugs are put away-- what's left is literally just the stuff I need for tomorrow and saturday morning, and all that will get tossed into a box saturday morning after I shower. Everything else of mine is stacked (oh my god, I wish I could take a picture of my storage place- I am the MASTER of packing and stacking!) either in my storage unit, or in my living room, awaiting loading into the truck and kia saturday morning. Ugh, saturday is going to suck... singing at commencement is just a pain in the ass... we have to sing at the two ceremonies, one at 10, and one at 3. Both will probably run close to 3 hours long. So figure 9:30-1: shot, 2:30-6, shot. My Dad is leaving home by 7am so he can hopefully get here by about 1:30-- that will hopefully give us enough time for me to change out of my dress, us get my bed out of the apartment, into the truck, and into the storage unit, get me back here and changed back into my dress in time for call for the damned second ceremony. Honestly... it's just a huge pain in the damned ass! Not to mention that we still have to load all the rest of mine, and then Christie's stuff into the trucks. Although I feel terrible about it, because I don't want them to do it all themselves-- it's MY shit, I should be doing most of it-- my dad and Kev can probably at least put most of my stuff into the truck while we're at the ceremony, and then after we're done Christie and I can do the rest of mine, and then her stuff. But... once it's done, then we can go back to the hotel and relaxxxxx... and then all that's left is driving back sunday morning. = ) I told Christie tonight... it would make life MUCH easier if we left before Dad & Kev... I am NOT driving "with" him all the way home, and if we leave before they do... there's no chance we'll catch up to them 0= ) But once I get home, it'll just be unloading and some basic unpacking before I pass out, in preparation for going right to work on monday! 9:15-5:45! Oy... it is gonna be a loooooong week. = ) Wow though... so much for getting to bed, huh? = P~ Alright, for real this time... catcha on the flipside!