(no subject)

Mar 29, 2005 18:56

Well, here we go again. = )

I really should make an effort to update this thing at least semi-regularly... but, eh... life is life, you know? Nothing usually too interesting to report.

Back in Freddy, after a very low-key, sleeping-lounging-and-reading-instead-of-doing-all-my-work spring break. It was interesting, actually, because most of my best friends, the people I ALWAYS hang out with, weren't home... yet within the week I was home I hung out with 5 of my older best friends that I hardly EVER get to see anymore... it was really nice to catch up. It was sooo nice to be home, too... I've been looking forward to it the entire semester. It's odd, though, how the break was only 10 days or so, and yet when I got back here and walked into my apartment, I felt as if I hadn't been here in FOREVER... months and months. Everything seemed new and different, and like the whole first half of this semester never even happened. So odd...

The ride back today was actually one of the best, EVER... Christie and I just yakked the whole way, didn't even change the CD (or even listen to it)... it was good good times, and for me at least, it went by incredibly quickly... it hardly felt like a couple hours, much less 7.

Got back here... and remembered that I always leave in a hurry and leave the place a mess... and thought to myself, "I really should make an attempt to clean before I leave". However, upon reflextion... when you return, more dust will have accumulated, so why not just wait 'til you get back to clean anyway? Either way, the apartment's nice and tidy now... I put everything away, and did some dusting and swept and mopped the floors, too... that's good for awhile.

Well... guess that's pretty much it. There's an SAI fundraiser tonight at Applebee's, where I have to sit from 8-9, then I'm heading over to Terrace to chill for a bit and have some Polska Kielbasa. ; ) (And no, that's not an allusion to cock... Sarah brought back some Easter kielbasy from home). After that I may just head home and hit the sack, or possibly run to the grocery store... as of right now, besides random condiments, the contents of my fridge is as follows:
ice water

Soo... I need to pick up a few things.
Anyway though, that's enough rambling for now... my floors should be dry, so I'm going to put my throwrugs back down and put the mop away.
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