(no subject)

Aug 01, 2006 11:50

Just like most Muslims aren't terrorists, I would like to state once and for F*CKING all, most Christians aren't hateful bigots like Mel Gibson...
So please don't just think that since he is an ass and since others you hear about on the news trying to convince people to drink the purple punch are idiots... that we all are.
I hate how people always clump us into one group of thinking.
CHRISTIANS DON'T EVEN DO THAT - which is why there are a million denominations.
Liberals aren't all the same.
Conservatives don't all think the same.
Why should Christians?
I hate how there is rampant Christian bashing in this country BUT DON'T YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF ANYONE ELSE.
I don't think anyone should be bashed but why is it ok to do it to one group and not another?
We know we don't all act and think alike.
We don't all go aroud wearing white bed sheets with holes cut out on them.
We don't all hate gay people.
We're not all perfect.
We don't all think everyone except 144,000 on the planet are going to hell.
We don't all think we are better than everyone else.
We don't all think like George Bush.
If 90% of the Christians YOU'VE ever met are like that - you need to get out more.
So shut the f*ck up already.

unfair treatment, mel gibson, christians

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