(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 09:35

Four years ago today, at this exact moment, I still had no idea what happened at the WTC.
I was in class. I had an 8am, a 9:30a and a 11:15a. My 8am bored me to tears. My 9:30 super sucked.

But the thing is... as I was walking from my 9:30a to my 11:15a (about a quarter mile walk)... I noticed how gorgeous of a day it was and actually remember thinking that UMass looked great when it was sunny. I didn't notice anyone crying or rushing to get home... Everything was fine. And I didn't have a cell phone at this time so no one called me.

So as I sat down for my 11:15 (pretty much at 11:10), for the first time, a girl sat down next to me and just started talking. Granted it was my first week of school and everyone was nervous but we just shot the breeze.

And then class started. And my teacher said, "I just wanted to let you know that there were some bombings in NYC but I am going to continue with class." And that's all she said. (It's funny that it was a philosophy class and that's the only explanation shegave...) We were all like "Wtf?..." So I sat in class. It got out a little early.

I got on a bus to go back to my residence hall. I lived in Sylvan! Gimme a break! And every single person was silent and huddled around a small portable radio intently. So I listened too. And then I found out but it was still intangible to me.

When I entered my hall I noticed for the first time, people in Sylvan's doors were ALL open (for those of you who are not familiar with UMass, Sylvan is quite antisocial and they leave their doors shut and locked like hermits). And strangely all of the tvs were turned up loudly, to the same station.

When I got back to my room, my roommates were sitting there glued to the tv and that's how I found out about September 11...

(And the saddest part of all is that I have NO idea where I was when I found out about Katrina or the Tsunami (Which I would consider the most important world event since 2000)).

How about you?

9/11, september 11

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