I miss you Rob.

Oct 11, 2007 00:07


Here is the post in case you can't view it because you are not on his friends list.

"Wiccans say the Triple Aspect of the Goddess is the Maid, the Mother, and the Crone.

They are wrong.

This is the Triple Aspect of the Goddess:

And I got to go horseback riding with them today.

At least I think we were horseback riding. I'm not really sure. Preternatural beauty in such quantity clouds the mind and it all had a sort of dreamlike quality to it.

travelinjo's Peruvian hat is adorable, but you don't even notice it much when it sits above such radiance:

There are very few pictures of me that I like. This one with inclementine is a rare exception. I like pictures of me with people I'm crazy about.

Obviously I was hopelessly outclassed even before I dumped BBQ sauce on my shirts.

And I am absolutely certain the oh so charming umasenvy has never had a bad picture taken of her. Good lord...

My thanks to my three companions for a great time! The guide described my horse, Tramp, as "the gentle giant." He was reluctant to do better than a hard trot at first, and the guide said, "If you kick him hard he'll gallop." More accurate would have been, "If you kick him hard he'll leap forward like a senator spotting a naked page in a field of daisies." My legs are going to be sore tomorrow for sure, but I can't wait to go again.

Saturday Night Live (major weekly AA speaker meeting & social event) tonight, followed by a ritual planning and the ever-popular board game Wise and Otherwise.

There's an old Latvian saying: "Work is the poor man's laxative." No, seriously, dammit."
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