of things foss

Nov 30, 2005 23:35

I spent all morning at foss.in today. The talks I sat through were quite disappointing. One wouldn't even qualify as a talk. Time spent at another could have been spent reading up documentation or tutorials. A third was too high level and just an overview and not enough an appetite satisfier. What one really wants to hear in such talks is things that one can't read in documentation or tutorials or on slashdot!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stay longer to watch Rasmus Lerdorf talk on building large scale applications using PHP. I really had wanted to hear that. A quick search on talks.lerdorf.com led me to what I assume are the slides; but not much use there with just some bullet points. I want to attend kalyan's talk tomorrow on Web Application Security, some of the ones on Open Solaris and a bunch of MySQL performance tuning talks the day after. I hope I can take the time off from work.

What I loved most about today was that I got hold of a Open Solaris Live CD. From all that I've heard about the operating system, I just can't wait to give it a shot. Especially that D-Trace utility. Although running Solaris on a desktop is probably not be doing it complete justice.
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