
May 29, 2005 17:56

AM I ( Read more... )

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chadluver4eva May 30 2005, 23:18:05 UTC
AM I..
1. Quiet or Loud?:loud
2. Short or Tall?:short
3. Weird or Original?:both lol but i love u ne way
4. Nice or Mean?:both but nice 2 me ne way
5. Friendly or Selfish?:friendly
6. Normal or "Special"?:both lol
7. Smart or Stupid?:smart just a lil slow on sumthings lol
8. Boring or Fun?:fun
9. Attractive or Unattractive?cute

1. A psycho?:at times but i love u 4 it
2. Athletic?:yea
3. A nerd?:no
4. nice ?:yea
5. Ghetto?:at times mainly wen u dance
6. A prep?:a lil bit
7. Two-faced?:every1 is even wen they dont kno it but ur not overly which is good
8. Obnoxious?:at times but not really
9. Immature?:no unless we r all bein immature
10. Mature?:yea

1. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?:idk wat eva u wanna be
2. (a) Do you think I'll get married?:yea
(b) If you do... who do you think I'll marry?:bryan (lol)
3. When is my birthday?:im srry but idk cuz i dont think u even told me wen it was
4. Who is my best friend?:amber
5. What song (if any) reminds you of me?:betcha cant do it like me(lol g.a. trip remeber)
6. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?:no not really not in particular
7. If you could rename me...what would my name be?:nuttin else cuz u fit right w/ ur name and i woodnt want u 2 change ne thing including ur name
8. Have you ever had a dream about me?:no srry
9. Do you think I'm a virgin?:yea even though u r a lil freak(lol)
10. If you could give me anything...what would it be?:me as ur best friend cuz i kno u'va always wanted me to be ur bff(jk lol i still love u though)
11. If you could promise me anything... what would it be?:
that i will always be ur friend no matter wat happens between us!


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