Crimson Tears Chapter 4

Jan 24, 2009 15:31

Title: Crimson Tears
Pairings: YooSu, YunJae
Rating: PG-13 (For this chapter)
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Genre: Action/Supernatural/Romance/Drama
Summary: There is no telling what a stranger may know. There's no way in believing what he says is true if you know nothing about him. So if you don't know this stranger, how can you trust him with your life?
A/N: Sorry, I would have posted this a few days ago, but I had midterms all this week and my brain was so tired from studying. But here it is!
A/N: This chapter will start off focusing more on Yoochun, and it changes throughout.
A/N: I got the idea from a book called "Frozen Fire"
A/N: A big thanks and hugs to everyone who commented on the last chapter. I hope you'll continue to show your support.

He ran down the dimly lit corridor, his heart thumping heavily and feet echoing loud against the tiled floor in a rhythmic patter.

He need to find a way out, he had to escape.

The distant footsteps were following and getting closer each second, as his pace slowed. He'd been running for too long, his lungs were burning and now his legs were aching, but he had to keep going. He couldn't stop. Giving up was no longer an option, not after how far he'd come.

Gathering his last bit of determination, he pushed his legs faster than before making his way around a sharp corner. That's when he stopped dead in his tracks. His last thread of hope vanished at the site that lay before him.

Dead end.

He looked hastily around the hall, analyzing his situation and quickly coming to the obvious conclusion: all of the emergency exits were blocked leaving just one way out.

When he heard the footsteps closing in he made a dash back across the corridor. His pursuers were closer now and he had to be quick.

The bright light of the top floor opening burned his eyes. The structure was dome shaped and made entirely of glass, a striking contrast to dimly lighted labyrinth he'd just stumbled from.

Men and women dressed in form-fitting business suits paused to spare a glance at the dark haired boy clad in white cotton from head to toe before continuing on with their business. It wasn't their responsibility to deal with him, that's what security is for.

The man didn't stop running though, he kept going paying no heed to his audience. He knew if he paused even for just one moment he'd be trapped and this long game of cat and mouse would be futile.

Pushing his way through the crowd he bolted to the west end of the dome. Gunshots began to ring out as he neared his destination and a sharp pain went though his leg before a bullet shattered the area of glass in front of him, allowing an easier escape than he'd hoped for.

Closing his eyes he leapt from his glass prison.

Yoochun awoke from his nightmare with a start. His eyes snapped open as he swiftly sat up in his bed gasping for air. Sometimes dreams were just too realistic for Yoochun's liking.

After steadying his breathing, Yoochun tossed his covers aside and made his way from his small bedroom to his even smaller kitchen. His apartment was diminutive and a complete wreck, but it was only him so the space or lack there of wasn't an issue. Besides, at least it was a place to call home, for now.

After making a cup of coffee, Yoochun leisurely sipped at it as he looked out the living room window. Clouds blanketed the expanse of the sky. It would probably snow, it was too cold for rain.

By the time he took a shower and had finished dressing into his school uniform it was time to head out. He would have to run if he wanted to make it to homeroom on time.

As he sprinted along the crowded sidewalks his mind drifted back to last night.


"Thank you again." Leaning up on his toes Junsu pressed his lips to the soft skin of Yoochun's cheek.

"You're welcome." Yoochun whispered. As he watched Junsu turn around and head into his house, he brought his hand up to his cheek and let out a shaky sigh.

End Flashback

Yoochun let out another sigh. It worried him that he had already let himself become so attached to the young boy. If they continued to form a bond, it would only make things harder for everyone. He should stay away from Junsu, for both of their sakes. He should distance himself from the smaller boy.

He made it to homeroom in the nick of time and hastily took the seat next to Junsu when the smaller boy waved him over. Yunho was surprised by Junsu's unusual friendly action. The boy usually kept to himself, with the exception of Yunho. Junsu hadn't told Yunho about last night. In fact, he hadn't told anyone, not even his brother. Junsu was the type of person that didn't want to make others worry.

"Hey." Junsu said as Yoochun settled in.

"Hey." Yoochun flashed a smile back.

"Hey?" Yunho hesitantly followed Junsu's lead.

'He's surprised by the way Junsu is acting towards me.' Yoochun thought to himself.

"Hey, Yunho, right?" He responded, trying to be friendly.

"Yeah. Yoochun, right?"

"Yeah, nice to meet you."

"You too."

Yoochun observed Junsu as the smaller man directed his gaze down, focusing on his notebook as he began to doodle on it. Yoochun found that very interesting, the smaller boy was jealous. Junsu had been thinking about Yoochun last night, a lot, and he's confused.

The first four periods went by painstakingly slow, and eventually gym class rolled around. Yoochun liked this class because it was a change from sitting at a desk all day and writing down notes. Plus, he'd never admit it, for fear of scaring the other man, but Yoochun liked seeing Junsu change into his gym uniform.

When he briefly tore his inconspicuous gaze away from Junsu's nearly naked body, he suddenly heard the boy speak to him.

"Hey, Yoochun what is that?"

"What's what?" He lifted his eyes to see Junsu staring at him.

"That." Junsu pointed at his leg. Yoochun realized what the boy was so intrigued by as he focused his own gaze at the small scar on the side of his right leg.

"N- nothing." Yoochun answered sharply, turning away. He quickly pulled on his gym pants, hiding the evocative marking.

Junsu let the subject drop but Yoochun knew he was still thinking about it as they began to stretch out, preparing themselves for a long run around the gym.

Yoochun wasn't the only one that had become attached. Junsu's curiosity about the other was tainted with worry, proving that he too had already let himself become overly concerned with the mysterious man.

By the time Junsu finished his ten laps around the gym, he was parched. He walked over to a corner to take a sip from the water bubbler. As he bent his head down and began to drink, he caught the sound of hushed voices coming from around the corner. The voices were muffled, but they were still clear enough that Junsu could recognize them. Sneaking forward, he peered around the corner to see his brother, Jaejoong, pinned with his back against the wall with Yunho holding onto the older boys shoulders.

"We can't keep doing this!" Yunho whispered fiercely.

Jaejoong remained silent, his eyes directed low, towards the ground.


"I think you should go back to class Yunho." Jaejoong's voice was cold, distant. It was a tone Junsu had never heard his brother use before.


"We can't!" Jaejoong cut him off. "I won't do this to Junsu!" Pushing with all his might, Jaejoong forced Yunho away from him, taking off down the hall at full his speed. Yunho watched his retreating figure.

Suddenly, Junsu felt a hand grasp his shoulder. He opened his mouth to gasp but it was quickly covered.

"You don't want your friend to know you were spying, do you?" Yoochun whispered, his voice husky in Junsu's ear.

Junsu shook his head and Yoochun immediately pulled his hand back. As Junsu turned around Yoochun nodded his head, signaling for the other to follow. They ended up in the boy's bathroom. Junsu was leaning against one of the sinks and Yoochun was across from him, his back against one of the stalls.

"What was that about?" Yoochun asked, referring to the conversation between Junsu's best friend and older brother.

"It's none of my business."

Yoochun sighed as he took in Junsu's somber mood.

Turning toward the sink, Junsu turned on the faucet to rinse off his sweaty face. He cupped his hands and splashed cool water onto himself. When he was done he reached out to turn the faucet back off, but the knob was stuck. He struggled with it for a moment before Yoochun took notice and pushed off from the stall walking towards the sink. He stood behind Junsu as he too reached out. Placing his hand over Junsu's he forced the knob to turn. The water stopped and the bathroom became completely silent.

Junsu could feel Yoochun's hot breath on the back of his neck, it sent chills through his veins. Yoochun's chest was pressed flush to Junsu's back and his hand still lingered on Junsu's. They were standing so close.

Suddenly Yoochun pulled away.

"We should get back to class."

"Yeah." Junsu agreed and left the bathroom, not turning to look back as the other man followed.


Jaejoong's muscles finally relaxed as he found refuge in his car that was parked in the school parking lot. He shut his eyes, his mind replaying the recent encounter.

He didn't think Yunho would have been so stupid as to confront him in public like that. Anyone could have seen them, Junsu could have seen them! Of course, Jaejoong knew it was his fault. He should have dealt with this long ago, but he just couldn't muster up enough courage to face Yunho.

Opening his eyes, Jaejoong turned his head to the side, looking out his window. His eyes suddenly widened as he saw a familiar figure walking down the road. Fumbling with the handle Jaejoong jerked his car door open and ran towards the figure, not even bothering to close it behind him.

"Hey!" He called out as he approached, but the figure kept going. "I said hey!" He yelled again, this time much louder.

The figure in front of him came to a sudden stop and turned around. "Are you talking to me?" The boy asked.

As Jaejoong paused, catching his breath, he took in the boys features and felt his heart sink. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

The boy gave a shrug and continued on his way.

Walking back to his car Jaejoong kicked his door shut. He was pissed at himself for doing that. For suddenly letting himself hope, only to be overwhelmed with the horrid feeling of despair moments later. He was so stupid.


"Do you ever smile?" Yoochun asked unexpectedly as Junsu and he walked through the city. School had ended for the day but Yunho had football practice and Jaejoong had a class meeting to attend to. Yoochun, not wanting Junsu to walk home alone, had volunteered to accompany him.

Junsu looked up, glancing to the side and meeting Yoochun's eyes.

"Of course."

"Well, I've known you for a few days now and I haven't seen you smile once."

Junsu remained silent.

"What would it take to make you smile?"

Junsu was about to reply when Yoochun suddenly froze. Junsu followed the other man's gaze to a dark car and a suited man stepping out of the drivers side. The man's suit was all black, and seemed expensive. He wore sunglasses, despite the cloudy weather and had a dangerous feel about him.

"Yoochun, what’s-"

Yoochun caught him off guard by suddenly grabbing his hand and pulling him along in a sprint. Junsu didn't scream for help like the last time this happened. Instead, he allowed himself to be led, following willingly as the other dragged him in a different direction than his house.

They eventually ended up in front of a small apartment complex. Junsu followed Yoochun in, their pace never wavering until they were safely in Yoochun's crappy apartment, the door shut and locked behind them.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing." Yoochun took off his shoes and took a seat on his couch.

"If it was nothing then why did we suddenly have to run all the way here?"

There was no answer. Sighing Junsu took a seat next to Yoochun.

"Do you trust me?" Junsu asked

Yoochun looked over to the younger boy with weary eyes.

"Do you?" Junsu repeated.


"Then tell me what that was about."

Letting his head fall back Yoochun ran his fingers through his black hair.

"It's too dangerous."

"What is? What's too dangerous?"

"Do you want something to drink?" Yoochun offered as he rose and sauntered off toward the kitchen.

"It you expect me to trust you too, you have to tell me what that was about."

"It's better if you don't know." 'Trust me.' Yoochun wanted to add on, but he couldn't because of Junsu's last comment.

Wandering into the kitchen Yoochun breathed a sigh of relief. 'I don't think he saw me.' He thought to himself as he filled two cups of water. 'I may not be able to stay here as long as I had wanted to.' He glanced into the living room and saw that Junsu had taken the liberty of turning on the T.V. and was now flipping through the poor selection of channels. 'Becoming attached was definitely a mistake.'

When Junsu arrived home later that night, he walked right past his parents in the living room, not even attempting a conversation and made his way to the kitchen. He was so hungry, Yoochun had no food in that shitty fridge of his. But here at home, he found the usual bowl of food in the microwave, wrapped thoroughly with tinfoil to keep fresh. He glanced at the note that was taped onto the top.

'I went to bed early so it looks like you'll be eating alone. Maybe if you start coming home earlier we could all eat together...just something to think about.

Love, Jae'

Placing the note aside, Junsu uncovered the bowl to reveal some delicious looking dubu jjagae. He took a long whiff before placing it back in the microwave to heat it up. While the jjagae was warming, Junsu grabbed a pen and wrote on Jaejoong’s note.

‘Thanks for the jjagae, but you don’t always have to take care of me, I can cook you know. And as for the last part....I don’t think that would be a very good idea.’

When the timer finally dinged, Junsu pulled the jjagae out and headed upstairs, bowl and utensils in one hand, note in the other. He stopped at Jaejoong’s door, slipping the note under the crack for the other man before heading to his own bedroom.

Junsu ate the delectable meal slowly, savoring the taste as he flipped on the T.V. There wasn’t much to choose from even though he had at least 200 more channels than Yoochun did. He eventually settled on a re-run of Rainbow Romance.

When Junsu finally finished eating he set the bowl aside and stripped down to his boxers. Dropping down onto his comfortable bed, he didn’t even bother with the T.V. He lay on his bed for a while staring up at the blank ceiling, thinking.

‘What happened today? What isn’t Yoochun telling me?‘

Junsu had intended to speculate more, but being so tired, he fell asleep quickly despite his attempts to keep his eyes open. Thankfully, tomorrow was Saturday and he would be able to sleep in for as long as he wants.

When Junsu finally found the need to take a piss motivation enough to get up the next morning, he noticed a small piece of paper halfway under the crack of his bedroom door. He bent down to pick it up and unfolded it.

‘Yea, but your cooking sucks.

Anyways, I’ll be home early tonight, so you won’t be stuck with another cold meal.

We can eat in my room if you want, it’d be nice to spend some more time together.

Love, Jae ’

Junsu didn’t bother to force back the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips as he read the note. After carefully placing the note into the drawer of his desk, Junsu threw on a shirt and scurried off to the bathroom in a rush. Next time, he’ll make sure to pee first, read second.
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