Crimson Tears -Chapter 1-

Oct 10, 2008 18:55

Title: Crimson Tears
Genre: Action/Supernatural/Romance/Drama
Rating: Pg-13 (For now...It may go up)
Paring: Yoosu
Summary: There is no telling what a stranger may know. There's no way in believing what he says is true if you know nothing about him. So if you don't know this stranger, how can you trust him with your life?
A/N: Sorry it's so short. It was originally just something for Creative Writing class, but then I decided to make it a fan-fic. I already have the next part started, but I wanted to see what everyone thinks before I continue.

The rain pelted the roof of the small diner, creating a deafening roar throughout. Junsu sat in a cool booth in the corner as he watched a massive array of people hustling about, trying to cram in to the already crowded sources of shelter to hide from the merciless downpour.

That’s when he saw him; he was standing across the street pacing in the rain. He looked like a detective from an old movie… Junsu wasn’t usually one to stare, but something about this man captivated him. Something about this man was unusual. Something about the dark haired man captured Junsu’s gaze and held it with a fierce intensity.

Puddles splashed around the unusual man’s feet as he paced back and forth. If the side walk across the street had been made of grass rather than cement, he most certainly would have worn in a familiar path by the time Junsu got up to pay for his drink and leave.

When Junsu finally exited the diner, the mysterious man who had been out there for nearly twenty minutes, was gone. The man had been drenched and visibly shivering, yet he continued to pace, not seeking any shelter. So why did he leave so suddenly?

Junsu found himself oddly furious that the man had managed to disappear in the few minutes that Junsu was forced to tear his gaze away.

He pulled up his hood, stepping off the tarp covered stoop and turned left. The walk home probably would have distracted him enough to forget about the fascinating stranger, had he not immediately come face to face with him.

His breath hitched as he came to an abrupt halt, with only a few inches separating them.

“Hello, my name’s Yoochun.”


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