Secrets I'm Dying To Keep

Aug 10, 2008 02:00

Title: Secrets I'm Dying To Keep
Genre: Angst
Rating: Pg-13
Paring: Jaejoong-centric
Summary: Jaejoong is slowly being worn down.
A/N: I'm thinking of extending this, depending on the reviews I get(if i get any). If I extend it, I'm planning on doing a pairing so if there are any suggestions for a specific pair, then they're more than welcome. And this is dedicated to
mrs_min_ai because I owe her.

Bracing himself against the edge of the sink, he continues to cough, shiny red speckles staining the palm of his hand as he raises his head and comes face to face with the man he's slowly let himself become. The mirror reflects the true him, the real him that none of his diehard fans will ever have the opportunity to see, as long as he represents Asia's number 1 boy band. Shaking fingers slowly trace across the mirror.

'Why is he doing this to himself?'

Tears begin to well in his eyes, but before he's allowed the luxury of venting his emotions, he finds himself gasping for air again, never ending, dry coughs snatching his breath away once more.

Perhaps it's not his brightest idea, but before he can stop them, his wobbly legs begin to carry him in the direction of the shower. Reaching for the nozzle, he turns the water on full force.

He doesn't want the members to hear him, to worry about him. They should be taking care of themselves, not him. After all that's where all of Jaejoong's problem stemmed from in the first place. If he had taken more time to make sure he ate well, slept well, and payed more attention to himself rather than his dongsaengs, he wouldn’t be in this situation right now. He didn’t want his friends to go through the same agony that he was suffering through. It was best for none of them to know. He would find a way to fix his broken form without their help, or anyone elses.

Eleven more grueling minutes of coughing passed until the episode, as he came to call to them, finally ended.

Regaining his composure, he slowly stripped himself of all clothing, trying his best to avoid marking his white tank-top with red finger tips. Stepping into the shower, he gasped at the surprisingly cold water that suddenly made contact with his back side.

The members would know something was wrong if he spent all that time in the bathroom, with the shower running, and came out completely dry. He had to endure the freezing temperature, at least long enough for him to wash the blood away.

After quickly cleansing his body, Jaejoong exits the shower, throwing a towel around his waist. Grabbing his dirty clothes, he reaches for the door knob, pausing momentarily to take a deep breath and prepare himself for any questioning he may receive once he leaves his haven.

A/N: I'm thinking of extending this, depending on the reviews I get(if i get any). If I extend it, I'm planning on doing a pairing so if there are any suggestions for a specific pair, then they're more than welcome.
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