
Jul 09, 2008 21:25

Title: Jealousy
Genre: One-shot
Rating: R (A bit of smut)
Summary: Sungmin goes to visit Kyuhyun in China, but becomes jealous when he finds out about Zhoumi.
Authors Notes: This fan-fiction is dedicated to murd3r4lyf3. I hope you like it, please let me know what you think, criticism is welcome. I'm not sure about this one, I started to write some smut and then got a little uncomfortable lol sorry, I tried.

Sungmin fumbled with his bags as he carefully made his way down the steep steps of the airplane. Placing each foot firmly on the next step, so as to keep his balance despite the gusty wind that refused to die down.

It was different from Korea. Everything was foreign to him, even the air he was breathing and the ground he was stepping on seemed to be of a whole different world. One that he was eager to explore.

The flight to China had been long and tiring, but the journey would be well worth it to spend some much needed time with his precious/dear Kyuhyun.

With the help of many security guards, the dark haired singer finally managed to make his way through hoard of fans that awaited him at the airport terminal. He now took refuge in a large black van. The interior was dark, and the seats were soft, a contrast to the small private plane he just recently spent hours in. It was the environment for a nap, but the excitement of finally being reunited with his lover seemed to keep Sungmin awake.

After glancing around the van for something to occupy himself with, he noticed a small compartment in the ceiling. Filled with curiosity(and boredom), he reached up, and slowly pulled it open, letting a small yelp of excitement escape when he saw a small television screen attached to the inside come along with it.

He hastily turned it on, hoping to catch the last bit of the live interview Super Junior M was currently doing.

What he saw, made his blood boil.

Sungmin glared when he watched Kyuhyun giggle as the Chinese boy, Zhoumi whispered another joke into his ear. It didn’t stop there. The two were constantly glancing at each other and laughing for no apparent reason throughout the whole show.

Sungmin cursed and furiously shut the television off when he saw Zhoumi slink his arm over Kyuhyun’s shoulder. That was just too much.

Why wasn’t Zhoumi doing that with the other members? Why did it have to be his Kyuhyun?!

For the remainder of the ride, Sungmin sat still, picking at the fabric of his jeans while pouting, as if someone were there to see it.

When he finally arrived at Super Junior M’s nicely furnished apartment, he slipped his sandals off at the door, sighing as the soft rug squished its way in between his toes. It was actually pretty similar to the dorms back home, he thought. The only real difference was it’s size.
After a few minutes of searching around for Kyuhyun’s room, he found it, and carefully placed his luggage next to the bed. Slowly sinking into the nearest mattress he rested his eyes.

Now all he had to do was wait, and soon he would be reunited with his long lost lover. Along with the Chinese boy who seems to want Kyuhyun all for himself.

The clicking sound of the lock at the main door, tore Sungmin from his sleep. Glancing at the clock, he saw the time.

He hadn’t intended to sleep that long. He had planned on making his famous pumpkin pie and some dinner for the members. It was the least he could do after they spent the whole day working. Some harder than others, you frown as you think to yourself.

Still drowsy from your nap, you cautiously stand up and begin to make your way to the main room. Quickening your steps as you hear a familiar voice.

There they are. Going about their business just like at home. Siwon is the first to notice the visiting member standing in the room with his bed hair.

“Hyung!” He rushes over and hugs the elder, while rubbing their cheeks together. Siwon always was oddly affectionate.

The others follow one by one. Sungmin forces a small gag down as he smiles and hugs Zhoumi as well.

Kyuhyun is the last one to approach. He smirks, pulling his hyung into his embrace.

A smile tugs on Sungmin’s lips as Kyuhyun can’t help but grab his ass from behind. A telephone is good for many things, but it doesn’t allow you to touch one another.

After the small reunion, Sungmin and Zhoumi were properly introduced. It was awkward, to say the least, and it wasn’t because they could barely communicate.

They ended up ordering dinner from restaurant Hangeng’s mother owns. It was delicious, and gone within minutes.

After everyone had finished eating, Kyuhyun and Zhoumi had offered to do the dishes. Which is where they were now as Sungmin watched them.

Zhoumi flicked water at Kyuhyun and latter retaliated by blowing bubbles at him. The two seemed to get along well and enjoy each others company, which would be fine if they didn’t continuously flirt.

Once again Sungmin began to see red. When he saw Zhoumi lightly smack Kyuhyun on the ass he snapped up, attracting the attention of the nearby members. They watched as he stormed into the kitchen and came out, dragging the ex-magnae(new one is Henry) along with him.

Dragging the younger into his room, Sungmin slammed the door behind them. He had watched long enough, and was now looking for answers

Sungmin finally let go of the others arm and began to pace the floor. Knowing his lover had something on his mind, Kyuhyun took a seat on his bed, and patiently waited for him to speak.

“Do you love me?” Kyuhyun was shocked by the question. The answer should be obvious.

“Of course.” He said as Sungmin finally came to a halt.

“Really? Because it doesn’t seem like that! I’m your boyfriend, and I came all the way from Korea just to see you, but all you’re doing is hanging out with Zhoumi!” The volume of his voice had risen so much that it even shocked himself.

A smirk formed on Kyuhyun’s lips. “Zhoumi huh?” He stood from the bed and slowly approached Sungmin. “What’s wrong? Are you jealous?”

Sungmin gasped, shocked by the blunt question. “Of course not! Don’t be so conceited!” He replied while quickly turning away, hoping the other would fail to see the blush that now danced across his cheeks.

“Well then, I guess there’s no problem. Right?” Kyuhyun questioned face becoming serious.

Sungmin remained quiet, and when there was no reply Kyuhyun began to walk towards the door.

“Even if I was jealous, which I’m not, I would have a right to be, right?!” Sungmin spoke in the nick of time. Kyuhyun had just reached the door, and his fingers were already rapped around the silver door knob. A smirk began to reform on the younger boy’s face as he heard the words. “I mean, you are my boyfriend, right?” Sungmin finished, quieter than when he had started out.

“He is pretty good looking, huh hyung?” Sungmin sharply looked up at Kyuhyun, whose back was still facing him. That wasn‘t the response he had been expecting or hoping for. “I mean, I never really thought about it until now, but wow. If he didn’t already have a boyfriend, I might make a pass at him or something.”

Kyuhyun finally turned around, revealing to the other his amused look. “Hey! It’s not nice to tease you jerk!” Sungmin folded his arms across his chest.

“I’m sorry min, it’s just that you look so cute when you’re jealous.” Kyuhyun walked over to Sungmin and cupped his face, bring their foreheads together. “I love you, not Zhoumi.”

Something in the older man’s eyes said that he was still upset. “Do you want me to prove it to you.” Kyuhyun whispered seductively into Sungmin’s ear, before nipping at it.

Shivers ran through Sungmin’s body and he couldn’t stop his knee’s from giving into the pleasure, as he slumped further into the other’s embrace.

The younger man began to trail hot, fiery kisses along his neck. Hissing, Sungmin gripped his fingers into Kyuhyun’s shirt, trying to pull the latter closer.

Finger’s explored everything they could touch as they made their way to the bed. As they lay down, Sungmin catches Kyuhyun’s mouth in a passionate kiss. It distracts the latter long enough for him to undo his belt. However, the sound of the clasp being undone brings Kyuhyun back to his senses. He grabs his hyung’s hands, and gently but firmly presses them into the pillow.

“Now, now Minnie, no need to rush.” He growls against his neck.

“But what if someone comes in?” He asks.

“Don’t worry, they’re probably all watching TV.”

“ ‘Probably’ being the key word.” His last few words are whispered as he tries to catch his breath from all the kisses.

After an enticing tongue war, Kyuhyun begins to undo Sungmin’s pants, and just as he’s about to rid the young man of the now constricting material, they’re both blinded by a sudden bright light.

They look up to see a very startled Hangeng. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry!” He blocks his eyes. “I didn’t know you were...I’m gonna leave now.” He turns and bumps into the wall. “Ow! Don’t worry! I’m fine, just continue about your business.” Eye’s still covered he searches around for the door. “Just forget I was ever here.” He finally finds his way out, quickly shutting the door behind him.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun are still frozen, unable to believe what just happened.

“Oh my god! That was so embarrassing!” Sungmin finally spoke.

“There’s more people back home, and this never happened there.” Kyuhyun said, now lying down next to Sungmin.

“Yea, and now I’m not in the mood to do anything, all thanks to that.”

“Ohh, but I haven’t proved my love to you yet.” Kyuhyun whined.

“It’s okay.” Sungmin said, wrapping his arms around Kyuhyun. “I believe you.”

“Tomorrow then?”

“We’ll see.” Sungmin said as he got up and redressed himself. He now wore the smirk that Kyuhyun had previously.

“Hey it’s not nice to tease!” Kyuhyun got up and chased Sungmin around the room, until he finally pinned him to the wall and kissed him all over.

Why should Sungmin be jealous? It wasn’t Zhoumi who was there to offer Kyuhyun friendship when he first joined the group, and he also wasn’t the one who visited him in the hospital everyday after the accident.

Things would be just fine for them. Even after Sungmin returns to Korea next week.
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