The new chapter sounds really, really good. *_* (Summary just went up on the ML.)
I really like the subtle way the bond between the 12shi themselves (rather than between them and Akito) is handled--Rin saying that Kureno doesn't feel like "one of them" (and I wonder how much of her distrust is actually based on that rather than on his closeness to Akito?), Haru noticing that Momiji seems different, Momiji feeling lonely as a result of losing his connection to the others . . . (Poor bunny. Ex-bunny. And yes, poor Akito. ;_;)
I wonder if the breaking of the curse has an inherent snowball effect, if two members of the 12shi being free will weaken the curse faster than one . . ?
[crossposted to the ML for the sake of actually, y'know, not lurking all the time]