Final LJ crosspost: where to find me; final on-LiveJournal linkspam

Apr 09, 2017 11:23

Literally as I was about to click "create entry", I got a notification that the import I started a couple of days ago just finished importing the comments from LJ. (I'll presumably run another one in a few days to catch any last few comments.)

Since I'm not currently planning to delete my existing content, my intention is to keep reading my LJ flist, but I make no promises about how often. :/

You can find me in several other places online:
MermaidLure (locked),
jinksyandthebrain (for pics of Claudia and Jinksy), and
ysabet are the main ones.

Final on-LiveJournal linkspam:

siderea reports that the Greasemonkey script here lets you access LJ without agreeing to the new TOS, although you "still can't manipulate posts without agreeing to the ToS, and apparently you can't use the Edit Friends Groups page, but anything else that's read-access apparently works. (If you find something that doesn't work, please mention.)"

siderea also posted "FWD: LJ to Dreamwidth in a Hurry (5 minutes)", which I'm not gonna try to summarize, as it's basically a couple of other links + relevant info.

(Honestly, new DW folks, I'd recommend just subscribing to
siderea. Interesting posts in general, and frequent timely info right now.)

"How can I claim my OpenID account with my Dreamwidth account?" [Dreamwidth FAQ] "If you've imported your journal or a community that you've posted in, and want to update the imported comments and community entries so that the comments and entries appear to come from your Dreamwidth account instead of your OpenID, you can claim your OpenID account with your Dreamwidth account."

rahirah posted "A work-around for spoiler cuts on Dreamwidth".

"Russian-Owned LiveJournal Bans Political Talk, Adds Risk of Spying". [io9]

Originally posted at Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

lj, journal information, dreamwidth

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