Linkspam: fannish/geeky, misc.

Apr 02, 2017 00:24

Fannish/Geeky Things

"StarCraft: The past, present and future". [November 2015]

In the lead-up to the summer (*fingers crossed*) release of StarCraft Remastered, "Blizzard is making the original StarCraft free".

"StarCraft: Remastered Graphics Comparison".

The American Gods title sequence is out!

"HP Lovecraft Comes to the World of Anime!"

"Studio Ghibli classics return to theaters later this year".

dine, "Welcome to the Fan Parade: A Guide for Fandom Newcomers". [The Mary Sue]

"New Studio Ghibli tea collection includes tea sourced from Totoro’s real-life forest in Japan!" [RocketNews24]


"How to set up a VPN in 10 minutes for free (and why you urgently need one)". (There are some VPN sales happening at the Boing Boing store that are on for a couple more days.)

"VPNs Won’t Save You from Congress’ Internet Privacy Giveaway".

"How to Protect Your Online Privacy Now That Congress Sold You Out".

"Escaping Is Not a Form of Understanding: In the internet age, travel essays are shared far and wide-and they aren’t always well received back home". "Hawaii is beautiful, yes, but it is not simply an “Eden of happy Americans.” Though many people in Hawaii are proud of its nearly 58 years of statehood, others don’t consider themselves to be American at all. The state’s economy is hugely dependent on both tourism and federal jobs, both of which can be viewed as complicit in a form of settler colonialism that shapes the way people perceive and experience life in Hawaii. This is heavy stuff, and worthy of consideration by all Americans, especially those who visit Hawaii."

"China’s hottest new boy band is actually made up of five androgynous girls".

"Gender-Neutral Pronoun “They” Adopted by Associated Press".

"These Aren’t Photographs. They’re Arinze Stanley’s Hyperrealist Drawings".

"X+living uses black mirror glass to reflect books in chinese library".

"The New Twitter @-Replies Are Giving Me an Ulcer".

"This Is Almost Certainly James Comey’s Twitter Account". One of the people whose RT of the link I saw introduced it with "This is a master class in piecing together online clues, challenging their accuracy & significance, & going no further than your evidence."

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