--Happy equinox! Nova Scotia is welcoming spring with a predicted few days (including yesterday and today) of snow and freezing rain. Whee! (
scruloose's workplace opened a couple hours late today, so he got to start his first post-vacation day with a bit of extra sleep.)
--The third round of the Unbound Worlds Cage Match is happening!
Georgia is up against Suri from Age of Myth. (I've yet to be familiar with any of her opponents.) Vote for my best beloved! If she wins she could be up against Kell Maresh next time. Eep. (Kell is currently in the lead against his third opponent, who I'm unfamiliar with.)
(I may have gotten teary. You can prove nothing. Nothing!)
--It doesn't take much for me to feel awfully behind on my/our current TV. We haven't seen last week's The Americans and I haven't seen last week's The 100, and last night Elementary aired...
--Being tired is so much more annoying after oversleeping. >.< But it wasn't a very restful night's sleep, and the night before last there wasn't enough sleep, so my current yearning to go sleep some more, preferably with kitty cuddles, does make sense. It's also not happening. (So far today I've turned in the second quarter of a rewrite, and now I'm going to start adapting the final volume of My Love Story!!)
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/779719.html. Comment here if you like, or
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