Quick mishmash post [sleep, Twitter influences, and mainly-Steam games]

Jan 21, 2017 01:12

My intention of going to bed by midnight has been thwarted by my usual second(-or-so) wind hitting around then--awkward, given that our delivery window for the new coffee table starts around 8 AM tomorrow. So there's already not enough time in bed even if I head there immediately after posting this and fall asleep promptly.

Last night sleep was grossly slow about arriving, probably due to the usual ineffable anxiety + night owl reasons with a hefty dose of apocalyptic dread on top...but I also think the too-bright night light we put into the bedroom a few weeks ago probably hasn't been helping, even if it wasn't the root problem. This morning we evicted it. Hopefully that'll help.
With all the talk today of protests and signs, the eternal geeky spark in my heart suddenly thought, Hey, someone out there may be making a "RISE UP WHILE YOU CAN" sign. The word of Georgia Mason, friends.

Bibliogato and
megsaysthings are largely to blame--see Exhibit A and Exhibit B--but also, I saw someone mentioning a sign that said simply "RISE UP". It wasn't much of a jump, see?)

To everyone marching tomorrow, I'm thinking of you! Be fierce and mighty, and return home safely.
I logged into my Steam account for the first time in ages and finally did exciting things like uploading a profile pic after having had the account since July 2011. (It's the pic of Jinksy I'm using on this entry.) Apparently I have 89 games in my Steam library (damn sales); I suspect I've played fewer than ten, and in some of those cases "played" is probably an overstatement.

One of these days I should start taking better advantage of Steam functioning on Linux and actually try playing some more things. There are several Windows-only (or Windows/Mac) games in my list, which automatically makes them even lower priority, but a lot of the games I own are Linux compatible now. (I can't decide if I want Plants vs. Zombies to become Linux compatible. I'm so fond of it! But it's such a time-suck.)

In terms of games I have played, it looks like I'm about due for my every-year-or-two replay of original-flavor Quake. (Original!Quake is one of my two best-loved games, the other being StarCraft [original + the Terran campaign for SCII].) And I'm clearly never going to "get back to" Portal 2; at this point if I want to have any hope of finishing it, I'm gonna have to start from scratch. (I got stuck halfway through a level something like three or four years ago. >.<)

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/762146.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:


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