Happy Little Christmas Eve! [Mishmash post]

Dec 23, 2016 15:39

(I totally just learned "Little Christmas Eve" from

--Steam helpfully tells me that a couple of games on my wishlist are on sale. (Oh, a third of those emails just arrived!) Twitter helpfully tells me that Steam is/was down. You know your sales are terrifyingly popular when...

scruloose is now off work until the new year, other than a half day next Friday (because his workplace's policy re: Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve is made of shenanigans). So he's doing some household puttering right now, and after I make this post I'm gonna at least take a bash at getting some work done.

--I ate my first clementine of the season while my tea was steeping.

--It being December 23, I resigned myself to not getting any more Christmas decorating done, and have put away the things that I meant to still decorate with, thus reducing some clutter in the living room.

--I managed to think of a book that my mother might enjoy and was able to acquire it in a timely fashion. Parental Christmas gifts + Hanukkah movie gift cards for my sister and her family = my holiday shopping is finished.

--For those who were interested: I seem to have settled on using Wunderlist for the to-do app, in large part because the other major contenders (a couple of which I also installed) seem to center much more heavily around assigning due dates and such than I/we have interest in. I still haven't played around all that much with Wunderlist, but just being able to share multiple lists with
scruloose has already been very handy.

--Today's plans include baking (chocolate spice cookies for sure, and probably chocolate sugar cookies using a recipe Ginny found that none of us have used, so we'll likely halve it...and maybe double the spice cookies, because we all know we love those).

--I'm also hoping to watch the last two Yuri on Ice episodes today, but the odds of getting the Sense8 holiday special watched before Christmas seem low. That said, Ginny and I watched season 1 of Sense8 together last year, and not trying to cram the special in before Christmas probably increases the odds of getting to watch it with her.

--I have a truly horrifying number of links favorited "to read later" in Twitter. o_o My link reading/sorting has been minimal over the last week or so, in part because I was focusing so much more on writing (which, I have to admit, is much more satisfying even if I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd hoped [before Yuletide, or this year in general, or...]).
escritoireazul was referring to "November's rage slump", and wow, do I feel that.

--On the writing front, I have (as always) plenty of WsIP I'd love to finish, but I don't know exactly what I'm focusing on next, now that the to-do-by-Christmas writing is done. (ICYMI, my little [pre-series, non-spoilery] Newsflesh fic went up last night.) The possibilities are overwhelming.

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/750129.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:


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