A quiet but odd day, all told

Dec 08, 2016 01:12

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Today was a perfectly good, unexciting day. Nothing went particularly wrong, but nothing went as planned, either. It included things like not getting any work done (>.<), although I dealt with other things that needed doing, and my mother-in-law stopped by to give us a small applesauce cake and visit me and the cats briefly (
scruloose was still at work).

In the late afternoon/early evening, Jinksy settled in for a long nap on my lap just when I'd been aiming to finally get to work, and since my deadline's a week off, I was easily persuaded. (I tweeted a few photos as he adjusted position periodically. [I took far more than I tweeted.])

Tonight I decided to finally try using a to-do app, and went with Wunderlist because a) it was already on my phone (I think I installed it on my first smartphone at someone's recommendation and never used it, but then automatically ported it over to the newer phone) and b) it has great ratings on the Google Play, although I see it has some close competition in the ratings department. So we'll see how that goes.

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/746746.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:


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