I suppose technically today was the beginning of the workweek

Oct 18, 2016 00:58

This'll be the first full week of the fall session at Casual Job, and I'm taking the fact that we didn't work today as a good sign for us having Mondays off (which is really good for me in terms of staying on top of my deadlines). ("Mondays off" officially became the way of things a couple of years ago [?] [!], but it's turned out not to be the case during the spring round of work. The reasons for that are not at all applicable in the fall, but it means I feel uncertain about the Mondays thing at this time of year regardless.)

scruloose was home sick today, in that liminal state of "sort of sick/sort of feeling it coming on, and hoping that a day of lots of extra sleep + rest will keep the cold from settling in", and we both slept late into the morning before having a very quiet day.
wildpear came over for a short workdate early in the afternoon, and between that span of time and a bit of extra work later (after an accidental nap), I adapted a bit over a third of a manga volume. The end of that script is in sight, but not as close as I'd like; hopefully I can fit the rest of it in during the week, so that next weekend + Monday I can focus on the other script that's due at the end of the month.

If my extra sleepiness (even by my standards) over the past few days means that I'm fighting off the cold, I hope the fight is successful. Being sick during Casual Job would be a terrible idea. >.<

Other than work, today included Jinksy!snuggles, reading a novel (Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver), and catching up the second episodes of Conviction (naturally, the third aired tonight) and this season of Elementary. Not bad. ^_^
Given Casual Job, I don't know what the odds are of catching up on Killjoys (
scruloose and I are two episodes into season 2 now) before Hal-Con happens in a couple of weeks. (I don't think I mentioned that, via purchasing weekend passes from various people who'd bought them and couldn't go [thanks to a guy on the con's Facebook page matching buyers and sellers],
wildpear, M, and I are indeed going.) I haven't particularly looked at the schedule yet, and I don't know what the odds are of Killjoys spoilers coming up in any con event that Aaron Ashmore's involved in anyway, but I'd still prefer to be completely safe on that front, just in case. :/ Guess we'll probably just have to hope for the best.

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/733998.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

conventions, not your typical desk job

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