Mishmash post (because I'm clearly not getting writing done)

Sep 03, 2016 01:30

--I don't want to accept autumn yet, especially with equinox still two or three weeks away. I'm not done with summer, despite not always doing so well with how much of it I spent in searing heat (mostly in Ontario, true, but it got pretty darn hot here a few times too). But the temperature dropped way down today--enough so that I spent a lot of the day wearing my at-home fleece layer for the first time in ages, and we shut the windows most of the way in the living room, to the cats' dismay--and a local Twitter friend posted a picture of a red leaf.

And admittedly I didn't go outside at all today (...actually, I'm not sure I've stepped outside this week other than to vote in our provincial riding's by-election), but what I could taste and feel of the air coming in through the windows today did seem distinctly autumnal.

--The generally-cooler temperatures recently (although not hugely significant until today) may also be why Jinksy's been getting snugglier. I'm definitely not going to complain about that!

--I read five! whole! novels! last month, and today I read one (The Fixer) pretty much in a single gulp, which seems like a good start to September, AKA the only remaining month this year in which I'm likely to get a decent amount of reading in.

--My tattoo is ~two and a half weeks old~ now, and mostly healed up. ^_^ The honu glyph still has a couple of small spots where the skin is working through its issues, but hopefully that'll finish soon. Faithful application of Tattoo Goo continues.

--On the TV front, I think I'm not finishing Penny Dreadful (I finally caved yesterday and read the article about the finale that I linked several weeks ago), and I'm not sure about Person of Interest (I'm still about halfway through season 5), even though I have the DVDs now. In the latter case, I heard murmurings about a thing that happened at/towards the end, and the other day saw it stated straight out, and I'm not at all sure I want to see that thing happen.

scruloose and I are nearly finished with season 3 of The Americans (and I'm surprised--and annoyed--that the season 4 DVDs aren't even listed for preorder on Amazon.ca yet; I have Taken Steps in the meantime so we can finish catching up, but I would like to be able to buy the shiny discs, please). I think we only have two or three S3 episodes left? Whatever's on the final disc in the set, anyway.

(I also keep checking periodically to see if there are listings for either Jessica Jones or season 2 of Agent Carter, but no luck on either of those fronts. >.< FFS, let me give you money, people!)

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/722080.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

talking 'bout the weather, domestic television

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