--Four more Casual Job days. I'm finishing up this coming week, and so glad to be almost done; I can't overstate how much I appreciate my boss' flexibility in letting me drag the twenty days out so far to accommodate my freelance stuff and travel, but I'm also exhausted and need to be done...and that's before I think too hard about how busy August is going to be. o_o
--I've fallen back out of writing almost entirely. :/ I haven't been writing more than scraps most of this year, but for a while there I was at least turning out odds and ends that didn't add up to much of anything but were good for de-clogging my brain a tiny bit. The last month or two, though? Nope.
--I was hoping to get a haircut booked for before
scruloose and I head back to Toronto, and maybe even finally get some color put in if the last vestiges of red get cut out (and thus have some purple for the trip), but my stylist is booked solid until after we get back. So I've booked an appointment for late next month. Maybe I can manage to get in for a touch-up, at least.
--This is a deeply weird thing to be saying, but...I'm not feeling ready to go back to Toronto yet. It's not like I don't love it as much as always and still constantly miss our friends there, but all the planning/scheduling contortions from the last visit--which was, y'know, a month ago--were even more draining than usual, and thinking about starting that all over again is making me whimper to myself a little, much as I love the results. ^^; (It doesn't help at all that I actively dislike wrangling plans, but I'm generally good at mentally keeping the balls in the air when I'm handling our social schedule for Toronto, so I keep being the one who does it. It's self-inflicted to some extent, but...my Toronto people. And there are plenty of tasks I hand off to
scruloose because he's better at them than I am, and I'm better at this, so it seems only fair that I handle it.)
--We do already have some things nailed down, even though I haven't started in on it yet: the wedding we're making the trip for, obviously; my tattoo appointment; and...a Jays game. *g* I have never been to a professional sports event. And I'm not actually going in order to watch the game. I'm going to watch Ginny watch the game. (And I won't be the first to do so. Apparently meeting Sports!Fan!Ginny! is worth the price of admission, literally.) And I'm going to wear
this shirt. *g*
--I'm also tempted to see about getting tickets for
Matilda. I hear the show is really good, and it's been forever since I've been to the theatre, and all the talk about Hamilton and Hadestown keeps reminding me of just how long it's been.
--Back in the present, Jinksy is quite understandably still feeling sad and betrayed about his eardrops. Claudia, OTOH, is just fine with the situation: Jinksy gets treats after the drops, so she gets a couple too, just for being a kitty and coming nosing around when the treat package gets opened. (Technically she comes nosing around before that, because we've been doing the drops in the guest room with the door shut, and a CLOSED DOOR summons Claudia almost instantly.)
--I'm sure there was one other thing I was going to mention, but it's not coming to mind and I need to get to sleep. Story of my life.
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http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/712570.html. Comment here if you like, or
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