It's shaping up to be an unusually warm week--it's 6°C right now, and the forecast highs are all above freezing until the weekend (10°C on Thursday! Although the odds of that not changing are slim). When we were out running errands this afternoon I didn't feel cold at all in a fleece hoodie and a raincoat--liberating to leave the winter coat at home! But now that I'm home I find myself shivering in my office, which was happening even when I still had a mug of tea. :/
Erranding happened because
scruloose woke up with a sore throat and called in, in hopes of extra sleep and a quiet day being enough to help fend off whatever cold is trying to settle in. Since I just discovered yesterday that the place I usually got to get blood collection done when I need tests is now open into the evening, we'd been planning to go tonight, but he decided he felt up to driving me this afternoon so we could get that over with.
Things spiraled a little, so on top of that, we wound up swinging by the library (picked up Ms. Marvel vol. 4 ^_^), depositing a freelance cheque that's been sitting in my wallet (I prefer to go to tellers to get the exchange rate printed out immediately for my tax records, so sometimes it takes me a while to get that done), and...making one stop to buy a few things. And while the blood draw and the library and the bank were all quick, the shopping stop took longer than we expected, between remembering other things we needed/wanted in the store and then being in line for ages, and GAH, so many people, plus a recording playing while we were in line, and all in all I got overwhelemed. My cope levels were firmly down around zero by the time we got home, although tea and sitting quietly in my office and catching up online has helped some. o_o
Now the only reason I have to leave the house for the rest of the week (not counting fun things, like going for supper with
wildpear and Pumpkin) should be getting my hair cut on Wednesday. *fingers crossed* So today's frazzle should be worth it! But I'm calling it a day on the work front.
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