Mid-week mishmash post

Oct 15, 2015 10:54

--I'm giving myself the day off, after turning in a Seven Seas script yesterday and a rush job for VIZ right before. So naturally (?), I started the day by dragging myself out of bed a couple hours earlier than usual to go get blood drawn for tests at my GP's office (which only happens there Thursday between 8-10 AM, and costs a bit, but the places I could go any time for free aren't nearly as conveniently located). While I was out I ducked into the pharmacy next door to the office and got my flu shot, although I didn't factor in that I'd then need to wait around for fifteen minutes before heading home. (Highly relevant, as I literally got up, threw clothes on, and left the house, without stopping for tea or breakfast.)

scruloose is on his way to a four-hour tattoo appointment. If all goes well, it may be the final one. Here's hoping.

--There's been a lot of social stuff going on lately. It's a bit overwhelming. This week alone we've had social-group Thanksgiving on Sunday, Leverage on Monday evening (since Sunday was busy), Tangled and pizza at Chez
wildpear Tuesday evening (AKA a party for Pumpkin ^_^), and last night
wildpear and Ginny were both here and we fit in an episode of The X-Files. ("Duane Barry"! And we've switched from Netflix to DVD, for reasons I should post about separately.) And tonight
scruloose, Ginny, Kas,
wildpear and family, and I are going out for dinner for Ginny's birthday.

--Tomorrow I plan to STAY HOME. It still won't be a normal quiet day, because (barring further tattoo-studio shenanigans)
scruloose will be home, but I need a low-key day, and today isn't it, "day off" or no. Maybe
scruloose will feel like putting a bit of a dent into Friday Night Lights, which we finally got back to a few days ago. (And while
wildpear and I are moving to DVD for The X-Files,
scruloose and I shifted from DVD to Netflix for both FNL and Community [and should do the same with Breaking Bad], mainly in the name of making it easier to keep track of where we actually are in the show[s].)

--Four days until the federal election. The USians among you may side-eye our claims about how this fucking election is dragging on and taking forever, but it really, really is by any reasonable standards. >.< If Harper gets back in I may actually be sick. And I don't dare assume it's impossible; I made that mistake in 2011, and we handed them a MAJORITY government. *shudders* Oh, my country.

--On the reading front, I'm rereading Sparrow Hill Road just in case I can manage to get back and finish (*cue bitter laughter*) my "Rose Marshall meets Shaun Mason" fic (started last year) before Hallowe'en. I meant to just skim the book and remind myself of Rose's voice, but no, I'm reading it properly. I know a handful of people who usually really enjoy Seanan's work and didn't bond with Sparrow Hill Road for whatever reason(s), but I love Rose dearly.

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/637392.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

health, ginnikin, tv with the girl, politics, domestic television

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