--Ginny has A Significant Thing happening tomorrow, should anyone wish to think good thoughts for her.
--We seem to have a lot of rain rolling in as the week progresses. >.< I hope the worst of it passes before the weekend, but the weather will do what it will do.
seasonofkink technically ends tomorrow (in that they stop accepting bingos, but there's the usual "you can still post fills for a while"). I made it as far as sending a single fic draft to
wildpear, so...maybe that counts for something? Possibly I wouldn't have finished the draft without ostensibly working on it for the bingo challenge.
--Today's accomplishments: I turned in a rewrite to one publisher and the first chapter of another one to the other publisher (wordy shoujo, which my editor there needs fairly quickly, so it's getting turned in in chunks that she can edit and pass on to the letterer). And our household went and voted in the federal election! We weren't positive we'd be able to yet, but I wanted to go make sure I was registered properly, since my voter card turned up with my long-since-defunct former legal name on it. And lo, voting was possible, so we all did it. ^_^ And then I adapted about eight more pages of the current rewrite and read about 2/3 of a novel.
--I've been even more tired than usual these past few weeks, I think, which is making me really dread the Casual Job announcement, which I'm now actively waiting for. (I've been taking a dose of caffeine on top of drinking my usual tea almost every day for at least a week, and still falling asleep in the afternoon/evening most days, if I go sit on the couch and try to read. Today that didn't happen, which was a nice change.)
--Today it occurred to me that I'm more likely to actually take vitamin D if I have a stash of it on my desk (where I keep my daily medication anyway), and I took 5000 IU. We'll see if I can keep it up. (Vitamin D is the supplement that the most people I know swear by, for a variety of things including SAD, immune system-boosting, and possibly energy levels. I figure it's not likely to hurt.) I should possibly also look into a B-complex again, although I already get a B12 shot every month or so.
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/633577.html. Comment here if you like, or
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