Partly following up on my post from this morning (plus a bit of kitty stuff)

Sep 07, 2015 00:43

Kitty stuff first: a certain tabby girl technically escaped the house today, for the very first time (and let's hope it doesn't happen again for a long time, if ever). Alas for the adventurous Miss Claudia, this happened when Ginny was coming in through the back door, and Ginny has fast reflexes. Poor Claud was caught within a few feet of the the tail, because Ginny grabbed without thinking and that's what she could get hold of. Our intrepid beastie (hurt only in her dignity) was then promptly scooped up and deposited back indoors, cruelly thwarted! Claudia's life, so hard!

The cats did get taken outdoors properly a few hours later, although since it was so hot out, that meant Ginny and I hung out in the shade of the house and kept the cats with us on their leashes, rather than letting them lead us all over the common greenspace. Being basically restricted to the back patio stones is not Claud and Jinksy's preference for how to be outside, but they do at least seem to like it better than sitting in the living room windows while we're outside. (Not that Jinksy seems to mind terribly, but Claudia is prone to sitting in the window and making despondent noises about not being outdoors too.)
I seem to have pruned about a box and a half of books (I know, "box" is so nebulous), and I'm also adopting
hunningham's suggestion of saying "pruning" instead of "culling". Same idea, obviously, but "pruning" really does feel better. (Although the tag is still "culling". >.>) I did it all rather quickly, though, so some books may yet go in and others may yet come back out; also, I want to run them by
scruloose on the off chance I've removed anything he especially wants to stay in the collection. Some books in the box are fairly recent reads, thanks to the "reading from the purchased to-read bookcase" thing this year, and those need to get run past
wildpear, Ginny, and Nico to make sure they get to read what they want to before the books get donated or sold or whatever.

The books tossed into the box with the least hesitation? My paperback copies of The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves, AKA "two of the worst-quality paperbacks I have EVER TOUCHED, which have been replaced by perfectly lovely hardcovers". (I may also evict my copies of the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy, as they too are HORRIBLE Scholastic paperbacks--with the bonus "feature" of each book being printed in different-colored ink [one green, one blue, one red, IIRC]--and if I do decide to reread them at any point, which is much less likely than with The Raven Cycle, I'll want ebooks or hardcovers.)

May I never purchase another Scholastic paperback. I have never had such visceral negative reactions to the feel of new books that're in perfect condition.

The bookcases in general are much tidier now, too, because I've been lending books out and then not reshelving them properly upon their return for...uh, months. But the TBR bookcase is still stacked all over the place, and the two boxes of books I bought in Toronto in June haven't been added yet. Won't that be fun? >.>

scruloose spent a large chunk of the day assembling the IKEA dresser I bought in the name of actually organizing my socks/tights/arm warmers/etc. The drawers in the main dresser piece aren't in yet, but the add-on is fully assembled and the frame of the main dresser is together and in place.

Before I committed to buying the dresser,
scruloose measured the space between the bed frame and the edge of the closet hardware that Carpenter Friend built for us several months ago after our prior closet hardware gave way completely on my side, and declared that it was doable but would be a tight fit.

It turns out that the "tight fit" leaves something like 4mm of leeway. O_O He had to give the bed frame a firm nudge while we pushed the dresser into place. So that whole wall of the bedroom is now alarmingly full, but I'm really looking forward to being able to find whichever pair of tights or whatever I'm looking for, which hasn't been easy for quite a while now.

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claudia!kitten, parentheses abuse, kittens kittens kittens, household things, culling

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