The catching-up meme that was going around a week or two ago

Sep 06, 2015 23:19

A week or so behind everyone else, but hey: a meme!

So what have you been up to? / Major life changes? Same old same old?

For the most part, things are going about the way they usually do between sessions of Casual Job: I'm chugging away with the manga rewriting work and waiting for the notification that Casual Job'll be starting back up (which usually happens in October sometime, but there's never any knowing for sure). The big difference is that Ginny's living with us this summer while she settles into living in Nova Scotia, but she'll be moving into her own apartment at the beginning of October. At that point, barring unforeseen happenings, things'll be very much same old, same old, except with Ginny living here instead of in Toronto. ^_^

What fandom are you in/do you spend most of your time in?

As has consistently been the answer for the past three years, Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy (and to a lesser extent, her other fictional worlds, both those written as Mira Grant and as Seanan McGuire). I'm capable of dabbling fannishly in more than one thing at a time, but am fundamentally monofannish (although I happily read fic/read meta/watch vids for plenty of stories I love). The closest thing I have to a secondary fandom at the moment is probably still Warehouse 13.

Where do you hang out online?

This is my online home base (as both
umadoshi and umadoshi, with a strong preference for Dreamwidth), but I'm reasonably active on Twitter.
ysabet_m is my main/public account where I do a fair bit of retweeting as well as some chatting with people, and
MermaidLure is my locked/fannish/more personal account, where I'm less active but talk more about writing, actual emotional stuff, and a bit more about my freelance work. (That last amuses me, since technically I think of
ysabet_m as my "professional" account, and yet I tend to be anxious about discussing my freelance work even though I say perfectly innocuous things.) I'm also on Tumblr as
ysabet, although intermittently enough that I miss a LOT of stuff there. (Please don't ever assume I'll see something on Tumblr.)

What are you reading?

Mostly new or recent fantasy (much of it YA) lately, and I've just wrapped up a burst of reading through a substantial heap of graphic novels via the library.

What are you watching?

Let's see. Ginny and I are working through Sense8, albeit slowly. (I think we're six episodes in.) She and
scruloose and I are two episodes into iZombie, which so far amuses me but hasn't hooked me. We're still watching Leverage every other weekend or so with
wildpear, her husband, and Kas, and we're about halfway into season 2. And I've been showing The X-Files to
wildpear, at a rate of an episode or two every week or two (so even though we're skipping mercilessly through season 1, we still haven't gotten through it ^^;).

The returning fall show I'm most looking forward to is Elementary (since Person of Interest and The 100 won't be back until next year), and I still need to see the second seasons of both Peaky Blinders and The Fall. And I really want to check out Killjoys, but haven't started in on it.

What are you making?

Most people seem to be taking this to mean in terms of fanworks (and I don't have any other way to answer it anyway). The closest thing I have to an answer is "a whole bunch of stalled fanfiction, primarily Newsflesh, with a smattering of Warehouse 13". I keep hoping to at least get some smut finished for
seasonofkink, or something short for one of my other fic bingo cards, but the current major projects are three Newsflesh AUs: the one that bears essentially no resemblance to canon, in which George is a mermaid; the psychic wolves AU where Georgia has a wolf-sister but things are otherwise at least roughly like canon; and the divergent-timeline AU where things go very, very differently towards the end of Feed.

What are you squeeing about today?

Not so much "today" as "lately", but what comes to mind are the first two chapters of Indexing: Reflections (which I got to read while
seangaffney was visiting, since he's subscribing on my behalf), and the fact that I get to read Chimera (the final volume of Mira Grant's Parasitology trilogy) fairly soon, thanks to someone I know being AWESOME.

Otherwise, mermaids-in-general and the unrelenting adorableness and wonder of our kitties are the main things, which are probably not what's being asked about.

If you could rope old fandom friends into a new fandom, it would be.....

To no one's surprise, Newsflesh. I love and appreciate how many people enjoy the books when they read them (that's the important part, after all!), but it'll always break my heart a little that so many people (this is a very broad observation) love them dearly without being at all fannish about them, because the fandom remains very small and I am sad. But I know it's the way of things with most book fandoms (much as I'd be thrilled by any/all of Seanan's series having bigger fandoms).

(That said, since some of you are relatively new here: if you aren't familiar with the premise of Newsflesh, I have not one but two rec posts for it. The older one is more about the concept/a basic overview, and the one I wrote a year later is more of a gush of feelings and explanation of why I love the series so much. [Both posts are as close to spoiler-free as possible.])

(And while I'm linking things for newish folks: FYI,
aftertheendtimes is pretty quiet, but is a fan community I maintain for Seanan McGuire/Mira Grant works in general.)

I should really watch/read/dive into _______ and then come talk to you about it!

Even after seeing a lot of you do this meme, I'm still not entirely sure how to interpret this question, other than as a wider-scope version of the one above? So I'm just going to list a bunch of media I love and enjoy seeing people talk about: the Fruits Basket manga, Warehouse 13, Penny Dreadful, Indexing, The Raven Cycle, The Lynburn Legacy, The Turn of the Story, mermaid things in general, The 100, Agent Carter...

What else is on your mind?

One main thing (which is far from new) is writing and my general failure to produce any significant wordcount in the past several months. :/ I hate not writing, and yet I can't focus on it, which makes me more anxious about it, which makes it even harder to get moving on any WsIP. The last fic I finished was posted last October, which is a pretty bad sign.

I'm not surprised that I'm working more slowly than I was in my first year or so with Newsflesh as a primary fandom, because New Fannish Love and all that, but this lack of any output to speak of is awful.

Originally posted at Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

parentheses abuse, meme, personal, fannish navel-gazing, aftertheendtimes

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