Tomorrow's to-do list:

Jul 14, 2015 13:25

Tomorrow's to-do list is short.

1) Go to my appointment with Dr. Awesome-the-GP and get my B12 shot.

2) Get a draft on the rewrite that's due Wednesday.

3) Read the new Newsflesh novella, "Please Do Not Taunt the Octopus", which comes out today*!

For people who've read the series, the title is a giveaway to who the novella centers on. ^_- But the brief synopsis doesn't give any indication of when it's set, and I can think of a couple of possibilities (and am trying not to hope too hard that it's set in a specific one of those possible time frames). This means I have no idea whether the novella is spoilery for the trilogy or not.

flippac reports that it's very spoilery for the trilogy!]

Thankfully, the synopsis isn't spoilery for the actual novella (relevant only if you plan to click the link), unlike the synopsis for last year's "The Day the Dead Came to Show and Tell", which managed to be both inaccurate and spoilery. >.>

So tomorrow's pretty much going to be a balancing act between a) trying to focus on the rewrite while desperately wanting to read the novella and b) bribing myself with the novella to get through the alarming proportion of the script that still needs adapting before I can call it a draft.

*Ordinarily I'd consider this a Monday-night post, since I haven't gone to bed yet, but the Kobo store considers it Tuesday now, as evidenced by the novella rolling over from "pre-order" to "buy now". *^^*

Originally posted at Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

author: mira grant/seanan mcguire, books: newsflesh trilogy

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